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Gopi Krishna - Awakening Kundalini (1976) [1 CD - 19 MP3] (Meditation)

In this audio tape Gopi Krishna deals specifically with the subject of meditation and with the question, what should everyone know about higher consciousness? He shows that the science of Yoga is far more complex, comprehensive and profound than is generally supposed. He deals with many commonly-asked questions about meditation, mysticism, drug experiences and the phenomenon of partial awareness. With the exception of his autobiography, The Awakening of Kundalini is perhaps the best of all his discourses to serve as an introduction to the subject. MsSVig

R. Daniel & F. Maltomini - Supplementum Magicum vol.1 & 2 [2 scans - 2 PDF] (Grimoires)

Two books of ancient Greek recipes for amulets and other techniques. With Greek text, English translation and notes.

Review by Ken Dowden of the University of Birmingham:

R. W. DANIEL, F. MALTOMINI (edd.), Supplementum Magicum. Vol. I. Abhandlungender Rheinisch-Westfalischen Akademieder Wissenschaften.(Sonderreihe, Papyrologica Coloniensia,XVI.1.) Pp.xxvi+213;8plates. Opladen:Westdeutsche Verlag, 1990. Paper, DM 98.

This volume supplements K. Preisendanz, Papyri Graecae Magicae (Leipzig, Berlin, 1928-41; 2nd edition, A. Henrichs [ed.], Stuttgart, 1973-4). It advances both on Preisendanz, who essentially presented text, German translation and apparatus, and on H. D. Betz, The Greek Magical Papyri in Translation(Chicago, 1986), who presented translation and brief elucidatory notes. Here we have fuller, and more helpful, notes as well as text, English translation and thorough publication details. The layout and graphics of these often very visual texts is also reproduced with care on the printed page and amplified by the plates at the end. As a result of this ampler treatment there are only fifty-one texts in this volume, all of which have been published individually before. They are categorized as protective charms, pagan and Christian, and erotic charms, some of them rather gripping (notably the lengthy homosexual charm, no. 42, 'Fundament of the gloomy darkness, jagged-toothed dog...'). Clearly any library with a claim to a comprehensive range of Greek texts will need this supplement-and its companion, vol. II with a similar number of texts, which was published in 1992 (DM 118).


Dominique Setzepfandt - Guide du Paris ésotérique (French) (2 eBooks - 1 PDF, 1 EPUB) (Everything Else)

Reconnu comme le meilleur spécialiste français de l'ésotérisme architectural, Dominique Setzepfandt fut le premier à dévoiler la symbolique cachée des Grands Travaux de François Mitterrand, dans son désormais classique François Mitterrand, Grand Architecte de l'Univers. Il y démontrait avec brio que le président s'était voulu le dernier Pharaon de la fin du millénaire. Avec ce nouveau livre, Setzepfandt vous entraîne dans un extraordinaire parcours initiatique permettant de découvrir vraiment Paris. Au hasard des façades d'édifices publics et privés, des jardins, des sculptures et fontaines, la capitale de la France est en effet, pour celui qui sait voir et regarder, jalonnée de très nombreux signes secrets, symboles hermétiques et allégories complexes, issus des doctrines des francs-maçons, des alchimistes et des gnostiques.

Un seul exemple : le Parc Monceau, avec sa pyramide, son propylée, ses étranges statues, a été conçu comme un "pays d'illusion" par le prince d'Orléans, connu aussi sous le nom de Philippe-Egalité, Grand Maître de la maçonnerie illuminée et régicide. Chacun de ses monuments représente une étape de l'initiation maçonnique. Il en est de même du jardin du Luxembourg, du cimetière du Père Lachaise, ou, plus récemment, du Forum des Halles. Bref, ce livre vous fournit les clés pour pénétrer dans un autre Paris, un Paris occulte qui ne peut se révéler qu'à ceux qui cherchent ou connaissent les arcanes indispensables.

Très richement illustré, d'un accès facile et d'une grande précision, ce Guide du Paris ésotérique vous permettra d'arpenter autrement Paris.

Biographie de l'auteur
Dominique Setzepfandt, né le 27 septembre 1958 à Mantes-la-Jolie, est un journaliste et essayiste français.

Titulaire d'un master recherche en histoire urbaine délivré par l'Université François Rabelais - Tours et cadre commercial à la SNCF, il est l'auteur de plusieurs livres sur la franc-maçonnerie.

Il a, dans les années 1990, collaboré à la revue Lectures françaises, fondée par Henry Coston, et à la revue Sous la bannière, « bimestriel catholique contre-révolutionnaire ». Il est membre de la Société Périllos et a collaboré, au début des années 2000, à sa revue Le Vaisseau de sable.

Il se consacre actuellement à des travaux de recherche en archéologie industrielle et histoire des paysages sur le nœud ferroviaire de Tours - Saint-Pierre-des-Corps.

Recognized as the best French specialist architectural esoteric Setzepfandt Dominique was the first to reveal the hidden symbolism of the Great Works of François Mitterrand, in his now classic François Mitterrand, Grand Architect of the Universe. There brilliantly demonstrated that the president wanted was the last Pharaoh of the millennium. With this new book, Setzepfandt takes you on an extraordinary journey of initiation to really experience Paris. Random facades of public and private buildings, gardens, sculptures and fountains, the capital of France is in effect for one who can see and watch, studded with many secret signs, symbols and sealed complex allegories, from doctrines of the Freemasons, alchemists and gnostics.

One example: the Parc Monceau, with its pyramid, the Propylaea, its strange statues, was designed as a "country of illusion" by the Prince of Orleans, also known by the name of Philippe Egalite, Grand Master the illuminated and regicide masonry. Each of the monuments is a step in the Masonic initiation. The same is true of the Luxembourg Gardens, the Père Lachaise cemetery, or, more recently, the Forum des Halles. In short, this book gives you the key to enter another Paris, a Paris occult can be to those who seek and know the essential mysteries.

Richly illustrated, easy access and high accuracy, this Guide Paris esoteric otherwise you will wander Paris.

Author Biography
Dominique Setzepfandt, born September 27, 1958 in Mantes-la-Jolie, is a French journalist and essayist.

Holds a Master of Science in Urban History from the University François Rabelais - Tours and commercial framework for the SNCF, is the author of several books on Freemasonry.

It was in the 1990s, contributed to the French magazine reading, founded by Henry Coston, and review under the banner, "bimonthly against Catholic-revolutionary." He is a member of Périllos Company and worked in the early 2000s, in his review of The Flying sand.

He is currently engaged in research in industrial archeology and landscape history of the railway junction Tours - Saint-Pierre-des-Corps. MsSVig

W. Brashear - The Greek Magical Papyri: An Introduction and Survey [1 scan - 1 PDF] (Everything Else)

W. Brashear, "The Greek Magical Papyri: an Introduction and Survey; Annotated Bibliography", Aufstieg und Niedergang der Römischen Welt, 2.18.15, p.3380-3684.

Very erudite article on Greek papyri in which things magical are to found. Useful for its description of the provenance of the papyri and for listing the "voces magicae" that are found in them. MsSVig

E.A. Koetting - Kingdoms of Flame [1 eBook - PDF] (Satanism / Left-Hand Path)

Publisher: IXAXAAR; 1ST edition (2005)
Language: English

Kingdoms of Flame is a Grimoire for the evocation of various astral beings and a dark pathworking to adepthood. The first four chapters give a detailed analysis of the text and the magickal system therein. It is in these pages that the reader will be given the knowledge necessary to use the grimoire in practical manner to effect changes in themselves and in the concrete world. The remaining nine chapters include magick squares and the names, sigils and attributes of 56 entities that have never before appeared in any grimoire or text. MsSVig

E.A. Koetting - Book of Azazel [1 eBook - PDF] (Satanism / Left-Hand Path)

Publisher: Nephilim Press; 1ST edition (2012)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0983063907
ISBN-13: 978-0983063902

Limited to 666 numbered copies. From the author "That which follows is the entirety of what I learned from the Demon during a ninety-day journey through hell, with Azazel as my guide. To Azazel... I can only trust that when this work is completed, he will set me free. Azazel is the embodiment of all that is forbidden, all that is secret, and all that I would sacrifice everything for. He called upon me to perform this damnable Operation: to commit myself to Him entirely, in order to possess all that is His. But fear overtook me. I didn't feel ready to drink from that cup, and so I drank from many others, flirting with the power that I knew could only be found in the blackest of rites and through the most obscene pacts. The Demon's call would not be silenced, and it forced me out of the serenity of Ascent, leaving me with no choice than to embrace the power of darkness, in a depth and intensity that I had never before imagined. The Book of Azazel initially seemed to mark my return to the Left Hand Path, to the sinister spirituality responsible for catapulting me into the knowledge and application of my own godhood. As the grimoire unfolded, day-by-day, what the Demon Azazel revealed to me obliterated every assumption that I've ever made, and has left me with little else to say. The magnitude of Azazel's teachings have left me speechless, for the first time in decades. What is recorded in this book: the rituals, the evocations, and the revelations.. says all that can ever be said, and much, much more. It has also left me with the conviction that real power - the kind that can crumble nations and raise empires out of the sand - can only be found in the forbidden, in the demonic, beyond the horizon of damnation. And so I tremble as I present The Book of Azazel." MsSVig

Philippe Cavalier - Une promenade magique dans Paris (French) (1 eBook - 1 PDF, 1 EPUB) (Everything Else)


Ce livre propose un itinéraire unique en son genre: une promenade d'une journée pour découvrir et comprendre les signes laissés sur les façades et les monuments de la capitale par les grandes doctrines de l'ésotérisme. Il nous révèle un Paris où la mythologie, la sorcellerie, l'hermétisme s'unissent pour construire le décor d'une ville plus fascinante encore qu'il n'y paraît. Il vous permettra de devenir à votre tour un fabuleux initiateur, capable d'émerveiller vos amis en les guidant au coeur du Paris magique.

Qui se doute aujourd’hui que Paris est une ville où la magie et le mystère sont présents à chaque coin de rue ?
Qui sait que le parc Monceau est un ancien jardin utopique dédié au perfectionnement moral de l’humanité ?
Qui sait qu’au Champs de Mars s’élève à ciel ouvert un extraordinaire temple à la Franc-Maçonnerie ?
Qui sait que la tour saint Jacques est le lieu de ralliement d’une société secrète qui perpétue aujourd’hui encore un rite initiatique datant de la préhistoire ?
Qui sait que les secrets de l’alchimie s’exhibent aux porches de Notre Dame ?
Qui sait que le Louvre est aussi le palais du soleil et que la pyramide de Peï est un calendrier cosmologique ?
Qui sait aussi que la ville est sous la garde d’un protecteur secret dont la statue est cachée dans le jardin des Tuileries ?
A ces questions et à bien d’autres, ce livre répond de manière surprenante en nous révélant un Paris seulement connu de quelques initiés. Un Paris où la mythologie, la sorcellerie et l’hermétisme s’unissent pour construire le décor d’une ville plus fascinante encore qu’il n’y paraît. Mais loin de n’être qu’un simple catalogue de lieux et un répertoire de curiosités, ce guide va plus loin en nous introduisant aux grandes doctrines de l’ésotérisme et aux fondements même de la magie. Enfin, il raconte aussi des histoires pour que vous puissiez à votre tour devenir un fabuleux initiateur capable d’émerveiller vos amis en les guidant au coeur du Paris magique...

L'auteur: Philippe Cavalier est un ancien élève de l'Ecole pratique des hautes études en sciences religieuses et diplômé de l'Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales.

This book offers a unique route of its kind: a walk one day to discover and understand the signs left on the facades and monuments of the capital by the great doctrines of the esoteric. It reveals a Paris where mythology, witchcraft, hermetic unite to build the stage for a fascinating city yet it seems. It allows you to become your turn a fabulous initiator capable to amaze your friends by guiding them in the heart of Paris magic.

Which is now doubt that Paris is a city where magic and mystery are present in every corner?
Who knows Parc Monceau is a former utopian garden dedicated to the moral perfection of humanity?
Who knows at Champs de Mars rises to open an extraordinary temple Freemasonry heaven?
Who knows that the saint Jacques tower is the meeting place of a secret society that perpetuates still a rite of passage from prehistory?
Who knows the secrets of alchemy exhibit porches of Notre Dame?
Who knows that the Louvre is the palace of the sun and the Pei pyramid is a cosmological calendar?
Who knows that the city is under the care of a secret protector whose statue is hidden in the garden of the Tuileries?

To these questions and many others, this book responds surprisingly revealing to us a Paris known only a few insiders. A Paris where mythology, witchcraft and hermetic unite to build the stage for an even more fascinating city it seems. But far from being a mere catalog of locations and a directory of attractions, this guide goes further by introducing us to the great doctrines of the esoteric and the very foundations of magic. Finally, it also tells stories for you in your turn to become a great initiator able to amaze your friends by guiding them in the heart of Paris magic ...

Author: Philippe Cavalier is a former student of the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes in religious studies and graduated from the National Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilizations.

Adyashanti - Webcast (April 24, 2013) Transcendent Grace [Webrip - 1 FLV] (Buddhism )

Adyashanti - Transcendent Grace

Webcast April 24, 2013, recorded live.
1 hr 36 min of teachings.

What is the balance between being open to receiving the help of grace and taking responsibility for our own lives? Adyashanti sheds light on bringing together the element of grace and the discipline of self-effort to become active participants in our own awakening. Email topics include the absolute closeness of solitude, dealing with anxiety about one’s children, how to liberate the victim identity, and a poem about the gates of the heart bursting open.

Topics Include:

• Your Participation in Grace
• Being Alone vs. Being in the World of People
• Looking through the Eyes of God
• Totality’s Experience of Aloneness
• Holding On Too Tightly to Our Children
• Taking Responsibility without Blame
• Packaging Your Revelations
• A More Complete Experience of Unity
• Letting Go of Victimhood
• Simple Human Humility

Quotes from this Satsang:

• “In a world where so many people are convinced they’re not good enough, the Absolute sees wholeness and sufficiency in every being, no matter how desperate they are.”
• “So much of suffering is bumping up against mental boundaries, personal boundaries. Sometimes it takes a transcendent grace to show you those boundaries are not real.”
• “When the emptiness of aloneness – not loneliness – is not resisted, it becomes filled with grace, divinity, beauty, and love.”

search for Wheaten to see my other uploads


Chunyi Lin - Spring Forest Qiqong - Finding Your Soul Purpose [1 Ebook (PDF)] (Taoism)


"Your Soul is always there. Its home is at the heart of the Universe. Every good thing you have ever done is from your Soul. But if you sense that you've been seeking your real reason for being on the earth at this time, there's no better way to know why you are here than having your Soul share your Purpose with you. When you know your purpose, your life transforms from the limitations of your personality to the unlimited energies of your Higher Love.”
~ Master Chunyi Lin
Imagine what it is like living with deep intuition, an open heart filled with compassion, superb health, free of fear and filled with Joy.

This new Soul Purpose course was designed to help you live that way by awakening you to the oneness of yourself and help you become more aware that you are an infinite universe. At the heart, of the very essence of every part of you, is pure love and consciousness that seeks one action ~ for good.

International Qigong Master, Chunyi Lin, lovingly takes you step-by-step to release any traumas and emotional blockages so you can meet your unconditionally loving Soul as a greater aspect of yourself. He also guides you to 'prepare yourself' to meet your Soul and gently navigates as you consciously meet your Higher Love and experience the powerful healing love of Soul connection.

The moment you become aware that you are also your Soul, your whole life begins to align with the most powerful force the world possesses and you become a great energy drawing to you, all your deepest heart's desires for your life's highest and best good."

If you have been seeking a deep awareness of your universal truth, your real self, and what to live each day as love and light in action, Finding Your Soul Purpose is one of the most joyous journey's you will ever experience in Transforming Your Life.

PS: I could not find audio part of the program MsSVig

Chunyi Lin - Spring Forest Qiqong - Level 5 prerequisite - Awakening the Master Within [24 Ebook (PDF)] (Taoism)


The new 24 session series of enhanced Spring Forest Qigong Training for Levels 3 & 4 Students planning on advancing to our upcoming SFQ Level 5 class.
Awakening the Master Within was conceived by Master Lin to be the beautiful prerequisite bridge of knowledge and understanding that one must cross in order to be prepared to go even deeper with the new SFQ Level 5 class. Once you have completed the 24 sessions you are eligible for Level 5 when it becomes available.

These twenty-four steps are offered to you as a way to better know yourself. To know you are a universe large and small and that the life inside and outside you is One.

With the constant awareness of the connection between you and the oneness, you can grow and you can penetrate to higher levels of frequency of your consciousness.

When we feel separated from people and parts of our life and what we do, our job, our home, our family or neighbors, we also separate our inner life from the life outside us.

In these lessons, I will talk about this a lot. Large and small Universe and the life inside you ~ your ‘inner life’ and outside you ~ your ‘outer life’.

Inner personal growth is your key to getting the most out of the new SFQ Level 5 coming in 2013.

I also created these Wisdom Lessons to help you fulfill the power of ‘To Know, To Do and To Be.”

I created them so that you can go up to higher level to experience the beauty and the power of the divine.

To be what you know helps you discover higher levels of your healing power to help yourself and others to heal faster and more completely and to live a more enlightening life.

It is wonderful to know a lot, but to put it into practice is different energy, higher energy, and as you keep practicing what you know, you discover in the most fabulous way that you become the lesson you practice. This is why I offer homework. You practice at home, you practice the lesson everywhere you go, in everything you do.

Please keep this torrent exclusive for The Occult.

Available for PU+ MsSVig

Ngulchu Dharmabhadra, Fifth Ling Rinpoche, Losang Lungtog Tenzin Trinley - The Roar of Thunder - Yamantaka Practice and Commentary - translated by David Gonsalez [1 Scan - 1 PDF] (Buddhism )


The Roar of Thunder - Yamantaka Practice and Commentary

The practice of Yamantaka is one of the most widely practiced deities within the Gelug tradition. It was Tsongkhapa's foremost personal deity, from whom he received direct visions that were a constant source of empowerment, inspiration, instruction, and even personal advice. Because of this, the Gelug tradition contains many unique and unexceled oral instructions on the practice of Yamantaka. These lineages fall into two main streams. The quintessential instruction of both of these lineages, including both their generation and completion stage teachings, are contained the two commentaries presented in this volume. The first commentary addresses the Thirteen-Deity practice and contains a wellspring of oral instructions that provide rich and highly accessible details concerning the practice of Yamantaka that are equally applicable to the Solitary Hero practice. The second commentary is concerned with the Solitary Hero practice and contains many extraordinary instructions that have not been written down in other texts but have been preserved through the oral lineage. This text is part of a highly secretive volume containing many texts on Solitary Hero Yamantaka, entitled the Eighteen Steps of Solitary Hero. The combination of these two texts gives the reader an unprecedented panoramic perspective on the entire spectrum of Vajrabhairava practice in both its Thirteen-Deity and Solitary Hero aspects. Also included in this amazing volume is the extensive sadhana of the Solitary Hero composed by Kyabje Pabongkha that can be used as a reference to facilitate a more thorough understanding of the commentaries.

The material in this book is restricted. This book may be read only by those who have received a Highest Yoga Tantra empowerment. In order to practice this material, the best situation would be that one has received the empowerment of Vajrabhairava Yamantaka together with the commentary and oral transmission.

359 pages
Translated by David Gonsalez MsSVig

BBC Pagans and Pilgrims - Britain's Holiest Places (2013) (1 DVD - 6 AVI) (Everything Else)


Presenter and Welsh poet Ifor ap Glyn explores the wealth of Britain's extraordinary holy places on a pilgrimage that spans almost 2,000 years of history.

Travelling across the breadth of the UK, Ifor uncovers the stories and rich history behind many of our most famous sites, explaining the myths and legends of some of Britain's most sacred places. Over six episodes, Ifor visits crumbling ruins, tranquil healing pools, sacred caves, island refuges, towering mountain hideaways and ancient shrines to find out what these historical sites tell us about who we are today. From the divine to the unexpected, the series uncovers Britain's extraordinary variety of inspirational, surprising and half-forgotten holy places and brings to life our spiritual history.

Episode 1 - Ruins

In the first episode, Ifor explores why ruins are among the best-preserved and most-loved holy sites in Britain. He visits the famous ruins of St Andrews Cathedral, the mystical atmosphere of Wales's best-preserved Roman site, the battered remains of Coventry's iconic cathedral and the Gothic majesty of North Yorkshire's Whitby Abbey - the inspiration behind Bram Stoker's Dracula. Along the way, he asks why we're drawn to holy ruins long after their religious use is over. Is it just nostalgia or something much deeper that fuels our obsession and enduring fascination with the decaying grandeur of a ruin?

Episode 2 - Water

In the second episode, Ifor explores why water crops up again and again as the essential element in many of our most holy places. Why has a yearning for pure natural water always been bound up with our spiritual beliefs?

His journey takes him to our oldest mass baptismal pool which marks the place that Scottish Picts first came into the Christian fold, the site on Loch Ness where Celtic missionaries battling the forces of paganism first encountered the legendary monster, a healing well where a young woman was reputedly brought back to life by having her severed head re-attached to her body, and a 2,000-year-old holy spring that has become a major international brand.

Episode 3 - Trees and Mountains

Ifor visits trees and mountains as a way of understanding the journey Britain undertook from the old Pagan religion to Christianity. His journey starts in Glastonbury, site of the famous tor and the Thorns, the most holy trees in the country. He discovers how even now these symbols are causing friction and discord.

His journey continues at Knowlton in Dorset, a place where a Norman church has been built right in the centre of an earthen henge. There he meets a druid who explains how Pagan sites were often overwritten in this way by the new Christian religion before they both discover that, at least here, earth magic seems to be making a comeback.

Ifor visits a bleeding yew tree that has divided opinion for 600 years and, in Snowdonia, a mountain where the devil is said to have gone toe to toe with an early Christian missionary. He travels to a rocky Cornish crag where St Michael himself is said to reside before finishing his journey at Pendle Hill, inspiration behind the most stripped down and anti-Pagan religious denomination of all time. But even here, did Christianity really manage to break free of Paganism?

Episode 4 - Shrines

Ifor sets out to understand the appeal of shrines. For those outside the Catholic and Orthodox church there is something vaguely unsettling about shrines. How can venerating the bones of a dead person bring you closer to God?

From the unlikely starting point of Marc Bolan's roadside shrine in Barnes, Ifor embarks upon perhaps his most surprising journey. Along the way he learns that Scotland's largest city only exists because of a shrine and visits the newly-renovated shrine of St David in Wales.

At St Albans Cathedral he learns that shrines are slowly but surely starting to creep back into the Anglican mainstream and that rather than meeting resistance they are being actively embraced. After viewing a genuinely shocking relic in Westminster Cathedral he meets with the Catholic archbishop Vincent Nichols, who has a radical theory about how the return of shrines represents the final chapter of the Reformation, and that is is all down to Princess Diana.

Finally, after seeing some of the finest cathedrals in the land, Ifor ends his journey at a tiny church on the fringe of Snowdonia, one which is home to a shrine that many people consider the holiest place in Britain.

Episode 5 - Islands

Ifor sets out to understand the appeal of islands as holy retreats. It may seem obvious that we would feel closer to the divine when surrounded by the stunning natural beauty of an island, but Ifor soon discovers there is a far deeper reason they became such a major aspect of religion.

His journey takes him from the Lake District to the Mappa Mundi in Hereford Cathedral, from our most famous holy island at Lindisfarne to the Western Isles in Scotland where an ancient Christian holy island has been reborn as a Buddhist monastery. He visits the island where the Welsh version of St Valentine lived and finally heads out west to the barren island of Bardsey, at the very furthest tip of Wales. This is known as the Island of 20,000 Saints, a place that exists halfway between this world and the next.

Episode 6 - Caves

Ifor sets out to understand what happens when our religious urges drive us underground. His first stop is Lud's Church in Derbyshire, one of the most dramatic and eerie holy places in the land, once described as 'the place for the Devil to say matins'.

Ifor then heads back 14,000 years to find evidence of perhaps the oldest holy place in Britain. He follows the path of St Cuthbert's body as it was shifted between caves in the north of England to escape the attentions of Viking raiders and visits the cave of St Govan where a hermit was miraculously enveloped in rock to evade local gangs of wreckers.

He meets a nun in Norwich who tells him about a young woman who was bricked up alive for over 40 years in an act of almost unbelievable devotion and finally heads to a crypt of Ripon Cathedral to discover one of the most dramatic pieces of religious theatre in Britain. MsSVig

Swami Prabhupada - Jaya Radhe Jaya Krsna (1992) [2 TapeRip, 2 Scan - 2 MP3, 2 Picture] (Hinduism)

Jaya Radhe Jaya Krsna by His Divine GraceA.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
Founder-Acarya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness

Srila Prabhupada bhajans and kirtans (singing) accompanied by the traditional Indian mridanga, tampura, and kartals.

Side A
1 Savarana-Gaura-Mahima 12:25
2 Sri Sri Gaura-Nityanander Daya 13:15
3 Sri Brahma-Samhita 4:40

Side B
4 Nityananda-Nistha 14:18
5 Sri Vraka-Dhama-Mahimamrta 14:14

Remixed and mastered to digital by Krsna-Kanti Dasa, 1992.

Album playing time is: 59 minutes

Complete tape covers included! MsSVig

Eknath Easwaran - The Dhammapada [1 Scan OCR - 1 PDF] (Buddhism )

OCR of this torrent: http://theoccult.bz/details.php?id=21572

Book Description
Publication Date: April 13, 2007 | Series: Classics of Indian Spirituality

Dhammapada means "the path of dharma," the path of truth, harmony, and righteousness. Eknath Easwaran's best-selling translation of this essential Buddhist text, based on the oldest version, consists of 423 short verses gathered by the Buddha's direct disciples after his death and organized by theme: anger, thought, joy, pleasure, and others. The Buddha's timeless teachings take the form of vivid metaphors from everyday life and are well served by Easwaran's lucid translation. An authoritative introduction and chapter notes offer helpful context for modern readers.

Yang, Jwing-Ming - Yang Tai Chi for Beginners [1 DVD - 1 VIDEO TS] (Taoism)

DVD Description from: http://ymaa.com/publishing/dvd/internal/tai_chi/yang_tai_chi_beginner

Learn Tai Chi Step-by-Step with Master Yang

In this program, Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming teaches you the complete traditional Yang-style long form step-by-step, while explaining the meaning of each movement.

Master Yang instructs the complete Tai Chi form from the front, and shows each movement one-by-one from multiple angles. There is also a rear view of the form that you can simply follow-along with once you're familiar with the movements.

-Learn the form step-by-step
-Easy to follow with front or rear angle viewing
-Low-impact movements; good for all fitness levels
-Every movement explained in detail

Dr. Yang's tai chi lineage can be traced back to the Yang family through Grandmaster Kao, Tao (高濤) and his teacher Yue, Huanzhi (樂奐之), an indoor disciple of Yang, Chengfu (楊澄甫).

Note: This is Dr. Yang's newest DVD on Yang Tai-Chi.

My first upload. Enjoy! :-) MsSVig

The Universal Master Key - Franz Bardon [1 Scan OCR - PDF] (Grimoires)

**** TheOccult.Bz Exclusive ****


-Out of respect for the original authors of the product-
-And because we just love this stuff-


**** TBZ Exclusive ****



The Universal Master Key

By Franz Bardon

This new text by Franz Bardon not only contains the master keys to spiritual development, but also the universal keys to every element and to every positive attribute with which you can learn to control and overcome your negative attributes. In this text Franz Bardon lists each virtue a Hermetic adept should cultivate and the powers that each attribute opens within the practitioner. As the tentative student transforms his vices into virtues and cultivates harmony and balance throughout his entire being, he discovers that all aspects of his path are interdependent. As he masters his concentration and meditation exercises he gains greater control over himself. As he masters his short comings his ability to meditate and focus increases. As he masters the elements of Earth, Air, Water and Fire within himself his powers over the external forces increase in dramatic proportion. In truth, the master of the magical arts is he who has truly mastered himself.

From the back cover:
The Magician's path is one of self-mastery and inner transformation. This new text by Franz Bardon not only contains the master keys to spiritual development, but also the universal keys to every element and to every positive attribute with which you can learn to control and overcome your negative attributes.
In this text Franz Bardon lists each virtue a Hermetic adept should cultivate and the powers that each attribute opens within the practitioner. As the tentative student transforms his vices into virtues and cultivates harmony and balance throughout his entire being, he discovers that all aspects of his path are interdependent. As he masters his concentration and meditation exercises he gains greater control over himself. As he masters his short comings his ability to meditate and focus increases. As he masters the elements of Earth, Air, Water and Fire within himself his powers over the external forces increase in dramatic proportion.
In truth, the master of the magical arts is he who has truly mastered himself.


Wait times
Mage+: Now
Neophyte/Adept: 2 weeks
Apprentice: Never


**** TBZ Exclusive ****


-Out of respect for the original authors of the product-
-And because we just love this stuff-


**** TheOccult.Bz Exclusive ****


Eva Wong - Cultivating Stillness: A Taoist Manual for Transforming Body and Mind [1 eBook - PDF] (Taoism)


Paperback: 158 pages
Publisher: Shambhala, 1992


Equanimity, good health, peace of mind, and long life are the goals of the ancient Taoist tradition known as "internal alchemy", of which Cultivating Stillness is a key text. Written between the second and fifth centuries, the book is attributed to T'ai Shang Lao-chun, the legendary figure more widely known as Lao-tzu, author of the Tao-te Ching.

The accompanying commentary, written in the nineteenth century by Shui-ch'ing Tzu, explains the alchemical symbolism of the text and the methods for cultivating internal stillness of body and mind. A principal part of the Taoist canon for many centuries, Cultivating Stillness is still the first book studied by Taoist initiates today.


Paul Sedir - Meditations For 52 Weeks [1 eBook - PDF] (Esoteric Christianity)

To all of you, dear Companions, who have done me the honor of
selecting my path, I offer these exercises of apprenticeship while awaiting the
authorization to transmit to you all that has been given to me. May you
perceive, through my humble words, the One Who has sent His Angels to
unite us.
May we, henceforth, walk along together in the shadow of His

These themes are arranged in groups of four. In each series there ismeditation upon one aspect of Christ's life (Nos. 1, 5, 9, 13, etc.) which is
commented upon by the three succeeding meditations on the moral life of the
disciple; these three relating to the first. Thus a partial synthesis may be
realized every four weeks.
Later on, a Friend will probably be able to transform this rough draft
into a complete manual for every day of the year. This will be done easily by
condensing the gospels of the Evangelists, just as Catholic liturgy does, and
dividing them among the well-known periods, such as:
The Preparation for the Birth of the Word within us (Advent),
Mystical Christmas,
The Childhood of Christ.
The Mission of Christ (Ash Wednesday, Lent).
The Passion (Holy Week).
Easter (Resurrection, Emmaüs ).
Pentecost (Whitsuntide).
The Apostolic life of the disciple.
The permanent and invisible Life of the Master.
All Saints' Day.
Obviously, this little book neither takes the place of prayer, nor of
charitable acts; neither to resisting temptations, nor to the advice of
enlightened men. This is but one path among others; but since its intensive use
will give us self-knowledge, and since the greatest obstacle to our perfection
is ourselves, this means may become efficacious, even surpassing our hopes.

J.Lagerwey & P.Lü, eds. - Early Chinese Religion, Part Two: The Period of Division (220-589 AD), Volume 2 [1 eBook - PDF] (Everything Else)


Hardcover: viii, 814 pages
Publisher: BRILL, 2009

After the Warring States, treated in Part One of this set, there is no more fecund era in Chinese religious and cultural history than the period of division (220-589 AD). During it, Buddhism conquered China, Daoism grew into a mature religion with independent institutions, and, together with Confucianism, these three teachings, having each won its share of state recognition and support, formed a united front against shamanism.

While all four religions are covered, Buddhism and Daoism receive special attention in a series of parallel chapters on their pantheons, rituals, sacred geography, community organization, canon formation, impact on literature, and recent archaeological discoveries. This multi-disciplinary approach, without ignoring philosophical and theological issues, brings into sharp focus the social and historical matrices of Chinese religion.


Translations, apocrypha, and the emergence of the Buddhist canon SYLVIE HUREAU
The revelation and classification of Daoist scriptures WANG CHENGWEN

Buddhism and literature FRANCOIS MARTIN
Daoist verse and the quest of the divine PAUL W. KROLL

Religious beliefs as reflected in the funerary record BAI BIN
Images and ritual treatment of dangerous spirits MU-CHOU Poo
The Buddhist pantheon Hou XUDONG
Daoist pantheons STEPHEN R. BOKENKAMP

Buddhist rituals SYLVIE HUREAU
Daoist rituals  LO PENGZHI

Buddhist sacred geography JAMES ROBSON
Daoist sacred geography GIL RAZ


The Early Chinese Religion series consists of two parts, each part is in two volumes.
Part I is here: https://theoccult.bz/details.php?id=36787
Does anybody have 1st volume of the 2nd part?


Namkhai Nyingpo - Mother of Knowledge - The Enlightenment of Yeshe Tsogyal [ebook - 1 PDF] (Buddhism )

Namkhai Nyingpo - Mother of Knowledge - The Enlightenment of Yeshe Tsogyal

Translated by Tarthang Tulku

A tribute to the most revered woman of the Nyingma lineage, this spirirual biography recounts Yeshe Tsogyal's dramatic life, her rigorous spiritual training, and her enlightened attainments as Tibet's foremost female teacher. Mother of Knowledge was written in the eighth century by her contemporary, Namkhai Nying-po , a co-disciple of Padmasambhava, to document the devotion, courage, and perseverance that empowers spiritual practice and illustrates the blessings of enlightenment. Detailing obstacles and trials encountered in the course of spiritual transformation, Mother of Knowledge provides a model of the attitude and actions that make it possible for students today to benefit from a teacher's guidance.

Miraculous events heralded the birth of the great yogini. By the time Yeshe Tsogyal was twelve years old, she was so beautiful that suitors from all parts of Tibet had come to demand her hand in marriage. Her parents, afraid to provoke the wrath of one of the powerful lords, decided to send the girl away.

The girl awoke to the realities of being a woman in an unenlightened land, but when King Khri-srong lde'u-btsan took her as one of his queens, her suffering ended. Noting her wish for a religious life, the King allowed her to become Guru Padmsambhava's cohort and disciple. Thus at the age of sixteen, Yeshe Tsogyal became the disciple of the Great Guru Padmasambhava, revered as the greatest tantric master of all time. Under his guidance, she mastered the teachings of the Sutras and the sastras. As her understanding increased, she became able to receive the full teachings: What the master knew, she knew: nothing was held back.

Yeshe Tsogyal exemplifies the special wisdom, compassion, and energizing power of the female energy so highly respected in Padmasambhava's lineage. As the Great Guru said: "Male or female - there is no great difference. But if she develops the mind bent on enlightenment, to be a woman is better.

Excerpt from Preface:

Rendering the life of Ye-shes mTsho-rgyal into English has been a difficult undertaking. The Tibetan is in the old style, and contains a mixture of prose and poetry which is rich in images and examples that have no parallel in Western culture. There are many esoteric terms and descriptions for which there are no meaningful English equivalents. Most important, even the simple narrative contains multilevel meanings, and it is impossible for the translation to present them all.

Ye-shes mTsho-rgyal's life story is a revelation of spiritual transformation, and the original Tibetan reveals the depth of her experience, the inner meaning of her initiations, and her visionary understanding. Tibetans have spent hundreds of years finding ways to express the power and richness of such experience within the constraints of language, and, at the time this book was written, possessed a terminology developed for precisely this purpose.

Until the English language develops similar resources, we felt that the inner beauty and wonder of Ye-shes mTsho-rgyal's life story would shine forth most clearly through a direct and straightforward presentation.

However, readers of the life of Ye-shes mTsho-rgyal should also bear in mind that the experiences and the practices undertaken by Ye-shes mTsho-rgyal on her path toward realization can only be successfully carried out by those with proper preparation. Even then, the guidance of an established and qualified spiritual teacher, one who is a complete master of the tradition, is essential. The risk for anyone attempting to pursue such practices on their own, or without full preparation, is simply too great.

This publication contains many wonderful images of Guru Padmasambhava and Yeshe Tsogyal.
search for Wheaten to see my other uploads
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