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Frithjof Schuon - To Have a Center (2003) [1 eBook - 1 PDF] (Philosophy)

To Have a Center

A collection of essays on a remarkable variety of subjects, from the order of first principles to a wide range of their applications.

Table of Contents:


Part One: Integral Anthropology

To Have a Center
Survey of Integral Anthropology
Intelligence and Character
The Primacy of Intellection
Gnosis Is Not Just Anything

Part Two: Ontology and Cosmology

Universal Categories
Concerning an Onto-Cosmological Ambiguity

Part Three: Spiritual Perspectives

Degrees and Scope of Theism
"Our Father Who Art in Heaven"
David, Shankara, Honen
Fundamental Keys

Part Four: Various Subjects

On the Art of Translating
Message of a Vestimentary Art
Concerning a Question of Astronomy

Author: Frithjof Schuon

About the author: Born in Basle, Switzerland in 1907, Frithjof Schuon was the twentieth century's pre-eminent spokesman for the perennialist school of comparative religious thought. The leitmotif of Schuon's work was foreshadowed in an encounter during his youth with a marabout who had accompanied some members of his Senegalese village to Basle for the purpose of demonstrating their African culture. When Schuon talked with him, the venerable old man drew a circle with radii on the ground and explained: "God is the center; all paths lead to Him." Until his later years Schuon traveled widely, from India and the Middle East to America, experiencing traditional cultures and establishing lifelong friendships with Hindu, Buddhist, Christian, Muslim, and American Indian spiritual leaders. A philosopher in the tradition of Plato, Shankara, and Eckhart, Schuon was a gifted artist and poet as well as the author of over twenty books on religion, metaphysics, sacred art, and the spiritual path. Describing his first book, The Transcendent Unity of Religions, T. S. Eliot wrote, "I have met with no more impressive work in the comparative study of Oriental and Occidental religion", and world-renowned religion scholar Huston Smith said of Schuon, "The man is a living wonder; intellectually apropos religion, equally in depth and breadth, the paragon of our time". Schuon's books have been translated into over a dozen languages and are respected by academic and religious authorities alike. More than a scholar and writer, Schuon was a spiritual guide for seekers from a wide variety of religions and backgrounds throughout the world. He died in 1998.

Publisher: World Wisdom (September 6, 2003)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0941532097
ISBN-13: 978-0941532099 MsSVig

Frater Apollonius - Thelemic Qabalah, Volume 2 [1 ebook - PDF] (Qabalah)

Table of Contents

The Structure of the Universe
The Science of Awareness
The Science of Religion

Oral Qabalah

Establishing an Oral Tradition
Ethical Gnosis
The Practice of Being
Qabalistic Praxis
The Initiatory Structure of the Astron Argon

Symbolic Qabalah

The Practical Application of Symbols
On the Veil of Qesheh; IT's Nature and IT's Ordeal
Words of Power

Prophetic Qabalah

Pretenders to Prophecy
The Word of the Aeon

You can also download it from :
http://astronargon.us/Thelemic%20Qabalah%20Volume%202.pdf MsSVig

Revista Digital - Anima Mystica Vol 02 n° 02 (Portuguese) (2013) [1 eBooks - 1 PDF] (Wicca)

Revista Digital - Anima Mystica Vol 02 n° 02 (Portuguese) (2013)

Vol 02 n° 02 - Summer

Anima Mystica Digital Magazine is a quarterly publication aimed at the dissemination and discussion of issues related to the mysticism and esoteric world (inside and outside of Portugal), from a perspective that extends from our ancestral roots up to the events of pagan expression of our days.

Index of Articles

6 - The Cult of the Sun and the Wheel of the Year
Valentina Ramos

15 - The unknown against pagan culture and historical witchcraft
Ricardo Vieira

19 - The Way of the Seeker
Alder Lyncurium

25 - Women of weapons: Some considerations (erotic) about the archetype of the Warrior Goddess

Anima Mystica Revista Digital, é uma publicação trimestral dirigida à divulgação e discussão de assuntos relacionados com o misticismo e o mundo esotérico (dentro e fora de Portugal), sob uma perspectiva que se estende desde as nossas raízes ancestrais até aos eventos de expressão pagã dos nossos dias.

Índice dos Artigos

6 - O Culto ao Sol e a Roda do Ano
Valentina Ramos

15 - A contra cultura pagã e a incógnita histórica da bruxaria
Ricardo Vieira

19 - O Caminho do Seeker
Alder Lyncurium

25 - Mulheres de armas: Algumas considerações (eróticas) sobre o arquétipo da Deusa Guerreira
Kelly Martínez MsSVig

James Hillman - Hillman Uniform Edition Vol. 5: Alchemical Psychology [1 eBook - EPUB] (Alchemy)

The James Hillman Uniform Edition Vol. 5

SUBJECT: Archetypal Psychology

All of James Hillman's papers on the alchemical imagination from 1980 to the present:

"Therapeutic Value of Alchemical Language";
"Silver and the White Earth";
"Alchemical Blue and the Unio Mentalis";
"Salt: A Chapter in Alchemical Psychology";
"Rudiments: Fire. Ovens, Vessels, Fuel, Glass";
"The Imagination of Air and the Collapse of Alchemy";
"The Yellowing of the Work";
"Concerning the Stone — Alchemical Images of the Goal";
"The Azure Vault: Caelum as Experience."


"Our concepts have so defined these words that we forget that matter is a concept in the mind, a psychic fantasy, and that soul is our living experience amid things and bodies in the world.  It is not the literal return to alchemy that is necessary but a restoration of the alchemical mode of imagining. For in that mode we restore matter to our speech – and that, after all, is our aim: the restoration of imaginative matter, not of literal alchemy."

On The Uniform Edition of James Hillman:
SPRING PUBLICATIONS takes pride in announcing, in conjunction with The Dallas Institute of Humanities and Culture, the publication of the Uniform Edition of the Writings of JAMES HILLMAN (1926–2011), the founder of ARCHETYPAL PSYCHOLOGY — the lasting legacy of an original mind.  The uniform, clothbound set of 10 volumes of the writings of James Hillman unites major lectures, occasional writings, scholarly essays, clinical papers and interviews — arranged thematically. Each volume is embossed with a drawing by the American artist JAMES LEE BYARS. MsSVig

James Hillman - Hillman Uniform Edition Vol. 2: City & Soul [1 eBook - EPUB] (Philosophy)

The James Hillman Uniform Edition Vol. 2

SUBJECT: Archetypal Psychology

Forty-two chapters comprise Hillman's writings on the psychology of public affairs: urbanism, environmental aesthetics, citizenship, and politics. The essays and talks divide into four groups: Patient as Citizen; Politics of Beauty; Places of Practice; Responsive Environmentalism.  Edited by Robert J. Leaver and introduced by Gail Thomas.  387pp.

On The Uniform Edition of James Hillman:
SPRING PUBLICATIONS takes pride in announcing, in conjunction with The Dallas Institute of Humanities and Culture, the publication of the Uniform Edition of the Writings of JAMES HILLMAN (1926–2011), the founder of ARCHETYPAL PSYCHOLOGY — the lasting legacy of an original mind.  The uniform, clothbound set of 10 volumes of the writings of James Hillman unites major lectures, occasional writings, scholarly essays, clinical papers and interviews — arranged thematically. Each volume is embossed with a drawing by the American artist JAMES LEE BYARS. MsSVig

James Hillman - Hillman Uniform Edition Vol. 6: Mythic Figures [1 Ebook - EPUB] (Philosophy)

The James Hillman Uniform Edition, Vol. 6

SUBJECT: Archetypal Psychology

This volume collects Hillman's papers and lectures on the main figures of mythology, including Dionysus, Oedipus, Moses, Mars, and Athene.  With an introduction by Joanne H. Stroud.

"Dionysus in Jung's Writings";
"Athene, Ananke, and the Necessity of Abnormal Psychology";
"The Inside of Strategies: Athene";
"Abandoning the Child";
"Wars, Arms, Rams, Mars";
"... And Huge Is Ugly: Zeus and the Titans";
"Oedipus Revisited";
"Pink Madness or Why Does Aphrodite Drive Man Crazy with Pornography?";
"In: Hestia's Preposition";
"Hera, Goddess of Marriage";
"Hermes Intoxication";
"A Note on Hermes Inflation";
"Moses, Alchemy, Authority";
"The Call of the God Okeanos";
"Good Mother Earth: Imaginal or Literal";
"Apollo, Dream, Reality";
"Joseph Campbell: Myth As Hero."


"Necessity in Greek mythical thought is spoken of and experienced in pathologized modes.  An image has its own inherent necessity, so that the form an image takes cannot be otherwise."

About the Author
JAMES HILLMAN's pioneering imaginative psychology will soon span five decades. It has entered cultural history, affecting lives and minds in a wide range of fields. For the creativity of his thinking, the originator of Archetypal Psychology and author of A TERRIBLE LOVE OF WAR, THE SOUL'S CODE, THE FORCE OF CHARACTER, RE-VISIONING PSYCHOLOGY, and THE MYTH OF ANALYSIS, has received many honors, including the Medal of the Presidency of the Italian Republic. He has held distinguished lectureships at the Universities of Yale, Princeton, Chicago, and Syracuse, and his books have been translated into some twenty languages.

On The Uniform Edition of James Hillman:
SPRING PUBLICATIONS takes pride in announcing, in conjunction with The Dallas Institute of Humanities and Culture, the publication of the Uniform Edition of the Writings of JAMES HILLMAN (1926–2011), the founder of ARCHETYPAL PSYCHOLOGY — the lasting legacy of an original mind.  The uniform, clothbound set of 10 volumes of the writings of James Hillman unites major lectures, occasional writings, scholarly essays, clinical papers and interviews — arranged thematically. Each volume is embossed with a drawing by the American artist JAMES LEE BYARS.

James Hillman - Hillman Uniform Edition Vol. 3: Senex & Puer [1 eBook - EPUB] (Philosophy)

The James Hillman Uniform Edition, Vol. 6

SUBJECT: Archetypal Psychology

Glen Slater writes in his introduction: "This volume, for the first time, collects James Hillman's running encounters with a primary psychological pattern, an archetype that arises alongside the very attempt to fashion psychological perspective. Senex and puer are Latin terms for "old man" and "youth," and personify the poles of tradition, stasis, structure, and authority on one side, and immediacy, wandering, invention and idealism on the other. The senex consolidates, grounds and disciplines; the puer flashes with insight and thrives on fantasy and creativity. These diverging, conflicting tendencies are ultimately interdependent, forming two faces of the one configuration, each face never far from the other. "Old" and "new" maybe the most direct terms for the pair.  Thirteen chapters include the themes of Opportunism, Betrayal, Wounds and Scars, Negativity, Nostalgia, the Soul/Spirit Distinction, Verticality, Ambition, and Transcendence.


"Soul arises when the universal meets the unique, when depth is sounded, and open wounds begin to scar over with the skin of reflective engagement. In Hillman’s view, soul is present whenever the mythic imagination cradles the sufferings, longings and visions of everyday life."

About the Author
JAMES HILLMAN's pioneering imaginative psychology will soon span five decades. It has entered cultural history, affecting lives and minds in a wide range of fields. For the creativity of his thinking, the originator of Archetypal Psychology and author of A TERRIBLE LOVE OF WAR, THE SOUL'S CODE, THE FORCE OF CHARACTER, RE-VISIONING PSYCHOLOGY, and THE MYTH OF ANALYSIS, has received many honors, including the Medal of the Presidency of the Italian Republic. He has held distinguished lectureships at the Universities of Yale, Princeton, Chicago, and Syracuse, and his books have been translated into some twenty languages.

On The Uniform Edition of James Hillman:
SPRING PUBLICATIONS takes pride in announcing, in conjunction with The Dallas Institute of Humanities and Culture, the publication of the Uniform Edition of the Writings of JAMES HILLMAN (1926–2011), the founder of ARCHETYPAL PSYCHOLOGY — the lasting legacy of an original mind.  The uniform, clothbound set of 10 volumes of the writings of James Hillman unites major lectures, occasional writings, scholarly essays, clinical papers and interviews — arranged thematically. Each volume is embossed with a drawing by the American artist JAMES LEE BYARS.

James Hillman - Healing Fiction [1eBook - EPUB] (Philosophy)

James Hillman, 1983

Hillman presents a remarkable and radical conception of the purpose of psychoanalysis as process by which the desires of the soul are alllowed to find expression in language and narrative.  Hillman equates the psyche with the soul and seeks to set out a psychology based without shame in art and culture. The goal is to draw soul into the world via the creative acts of the individual, not to exclude it in the name of social order. The potential for soulmaking is revealed in by psychic images to which a person is drawn and apprehends in a meaningful way; Indeed the act of being drawn to and looking deeper at the images presented creates meaning – that is, soul.

Hillman further suggests a new understanding of psychopathology. He stresses the importance of psychopathology to the human experience and replaces it out of a medical understanding into a poetic one. In this idea sickness is a vital part of the way the soul becomes known.


Psychology must be gained for it is not given, and without psychological education we do not understand ourselves and we make our daimons suffer.  Psychoanalysis is a work of imaginative tellings in the realm of poiesis, which means simply “making,” and which I take to mean making by imagination into words. Our work more particularly belongs to the rhetoric of poiesis, by which I mean the persuasive power of imagining in words, an artfulness in speaking and hearing, writing and reading.

About the Author
JAMES HILLMAN's pioneering imaginative psychology will soon span five decades. It has entered cultural history, affecting lives and minds in a wide range of fields. For the creativity of his thinking, the originator of Archetypal Psychology and author of A TERRIBLE LOVE OF WAR, THE SOUL'S CODE, THE FORCE OF CHARACTER, RE-VISIONING PSYCHOLOGY, and THE MYTH OF ANALYSIS, has received many honors, including the Medal of the Presidency of the Italian Republic. He has held distinguished lectureships at the Universities of Yale, Princeton, Chicago, and Syracuse, and his books have been translated into some twenty languages. MsSVig

John Goad - Astro Meteorologica: Mundane astrology (1699) [1 eBook - PDF] (Astrology)

Astro-Meteorologica, or aphorisms and large significant discurses of the natures and influences of the coelestial bodies by John Goad. London 1699.

Weather forecasting is a difficult part of mundane astrology.

The method, called astrometeorology, was further developed by Greek, Arab, and Renaissance scientists including Ptolemy, Al-Kindi, Tycho Brahe and Joannes Kepler. A major 17th century effort to test the method in a Baconian fashion was made by John Goad. Building on the ideas of Kepler and Goad, I test an isolated component of the method, specifically a correlation between geocentric Sun-Saturn alignments and cold temperatures, using modern daily temperature data from New England, Central England, Prague and other locations. MsSVig

Revenant - 66 Astral Projection Techniques [1 Scan OCR - 1 PDF] (Lucid Dreams/Astral Projection)

Astral Projection & metaphysics Forum's "66 Astral Projection Techniques" PDF

**Please Note: I'm a new user to this site. I apologize in advance if anything is posted in an undesirable manner. Please let me know if anything is wrong with this upload. -- Enjoy :-) **

Copyright Notice
Presents: “66 Astral Projection Techniques”
Copyright © 2008, http://shopofenlightenment.com/forum/. All rights reserved. Permission for non‐ commercial use is hereby granted, provided that this file is distributed intact. Quotations must be properly cited. This document was created and compiled by Revenant.

---Technique Titles List---

Exit Technique#1. The Girtitak Mantra
Exit Technique#2. Third eye escape method
Exit Technique#3. 6:00 AM in the morning method
Exit Technique#4. The 6 Feet Method
Exit Technique#5. Affirmation
Exit Technique#6. The Anchor Technique
Exit Technique#7. The Fixed Anchor
Exit Technique#8. The Moving Anchor
Exit Technique#9. Astral Arms Breaking Through
Exit Technique#10. Floating Balloon
Exit Technique#11. Dynamic Concentration Method
Exit Technique#12. Counting Your Way into Sleep
Exit Technique#13. Creative visualization techniques
Exit Technique#14. Creative Visualization
Exit Technique#15. Jac's Dual Focus: Auditory and Respiratory AP Technique
Exit Technique#16. The Gazing Technique
Exit Technique#17. Kwaichang's Long and Stable Projection Technique
Exit Technique#18. The Let­Go Method
Exit Technique#19. Lioness Technique
Exit Technique#20. Dynamic Visualization involving Movement
Exit Technique#21. Using Movement To Get Out Of Body
Exit Technique#22. Passive Will Method
Exit Technique#23. The Path Method
Exit Technique#24. Robert Peterson's Pinpoint Consciousness Visualization Technique
Exit Technique#25. Progressive muscular relaxation
Exit Technique#26. Deep Relaxation OBE Technique
Exit Technique#27. Focusing Attention on the Screen of The Mind
Exit Technique#28. Cage's Self‐Revelation Technique
Exit Technique#29. Silva Mind Control Method
Exit Technique#30. Sound Technique
Exit Technique#31. Vibration frequency control
Exit Technique#32. Improving Visualization Skills
Exit Technique#33. Wake induced lucid dreaming
Exit Technique#34. Imagining Who You Are
Exit Technique#35. Within Lucid Dreams
Exit Technique#36. Zykax Projection
Exit Technique#37. The Rope Technique
Exit Technique#38. Watch yourself going to sleep
Exit Technique#39. The Monroe Technique
Exit Technique#40. OBE From lucid dreams
Exit Technique#41. Displaced­awareness technique
Exit Technique#42. The Jump Technique
Exit Technique#43. Muldoons Thirst Technique
Exit Technique#44. The Stretch Out Technique
Exit Technique#45. The Hammock Technique
Exit Technique#46. Rebirthing Method
Exit Technique#47. Exteriorization technique
Exit Technique#48. Over sleeping
Exit Technique#49. The Triangle Method
Exit Technique#50. Rope Technique
Exit Technique#51. One­Handed Rope
Exit Technique#52. Chasm­Crossing Rope
Exit Technique#53. Hanging Rope
Exit Technique#54. Water Ski Rope
Exit Technique#55. Rope Cargo Net
Exit Technique#56. Ladder Method
Exit Technique#57. Steam Method
Exit Technique#58. Butter Method
Exit Technique#59. Rolling Out Method
Exit Technique#60. Driving Method
Exit Technique#61. Swinging Method
Exit Technique#62. Catapult Method
Exit Technique#63. The brain method
Exit Technique#64. FOCUS 10 Mind Awake/Body Asleep
Exit Technique#65. Very effective, very simple AP technique
Exit Technique#66. Point Shift Technique aka Spacation Technique


R. Vidyanath K. Nishteswar - Sahasrayogam [1 eBook - PDF] (Hinduism)

'Saharsayogam' is enjoying the status of Ayurvedic Practical Prescriber among Kerala Ayurvedic Physicians. The public of Kerala also keeps this book with them and considers it as the book of Ayurvedic Home Remedies. 'Sahasrayogam' means one thousand formulations, and on a rough estimate it appears that the number of formulations vary from 700 to 1200 in various versions. It also appears that some more formulations have been added periodically to the original text based on their practical experiences, which resulted in the increase of total number of formulations. The formulations described in the book consist of different Kalpanas like Kashaya (Decoction), Taila (Medicated oil), Ghrita (Medicated Ghee), Choorna (Powder), Asava, Arishta (Fermented liquid), Vati, Gutika (Pill) and Lehya (Linctus). Besides the poly herbal formulations, single drug recipes are also indicated for the treatment of different diseases. In addition to the classical formulations some of the traditionally useful simple herbal recipes are also included in this book. MsSVig

Murthy - Ashtanga Hridayam [1 eBook - DJVU] (Hinduism)

Astagahrydaya-quintessence of the eight branches ( of Ayurveda ) is one of the authoritative treatises on ancient Indian medicine. It had attracted the attention of medical men not only within this country but also of neighbouring countries such as Arabia Persia, Tibet and Germany. Its popularity is substantiated by the large number of commenta¬ries by Indian scholars and appreciation by the scholars of many other countries. With its beauty and brevity of poetical composition, sequential arrangement of topics, clear descri¬ption of precepts and practices of medical science and many other merits, it has earned its rightful place as one among the Brhat trayi-three great treatises-of Ayurveda. It is an epitome of Ayurveda catering to the needs of the students, scholars and medical practitioners alike. MsSVig

Murali Manohar - A Reference Guide to Ayurvedic Practice [1 eBook - PDF] (Hinduism)

This is an excellent compilation of Ayurvedc information. It consists of : Fundamentals of Ayurveda, Therpeutic Index, Home Remedies, Medicinal Plants and Their Actions, Ayurvedic Colleges in India, Manufacturers Index, Bulk and Raw Drug Suppliers Index, Balanced Diet Charts and Many More. MsSVig

Central Council for Research in Ayurveda and Siddha - Ayurvedic Managment of Select Geriatric Disease Conditions [1 eBook - PDF] (Hinduism)

Ageing is a process of physical, psychological and social change in multi dimensional aspects. The World population of the elderly is increasing and by the year 2050, adults older than 65 years will comprise 1/5'1 of the global population. In India 3.8% of the population are older than 65 years of age. According to an estimate the likely number of elderly people in India by 2016 will be around 113 million1.
The cause of morbidity and mortality world over is shifting from communicable diseases a few decades ago to non-communicable diseases. The leading causes of mortality among aged people comprise respiratory problems, heart diseases, cancer and stroke. Significant causes of morbidity among this group is chronic inflammatory and degenerative conditions such as arthritis, diabetes, osteoporosis, depression, psychiatric disorders, parkinson's disease and age related urinary problems.

1.1 Daily and Seasonal Regimens
1.2 Dietetics / Nutrition
1.3 Code of Conduct
1.4 Preventive Regimens
Section 2 - Management
2.1 Physical examination and treatment measures in the elderly
2.2 Neurological / Neurodegenerative & Special senses disorders
2.2.1 Complications of Cerebro-vascular disorders viz. Paraplegia. Hemiplegia etc.
2.2.2 Parkinsonism disease
2.3 Neuro-psychiatric disorders
2.3.1 Anxiety neurosis
2.3.2 Depression
2.3.3 Insomnia (Anidra or NidranSsa)
2.3.4 Dementia (Smrti nasa)
2.4 Cardio-vascular disorders (Preventive cardiology)
2.4.1 Hypertension
2.5 Endocrine Disorders
2.5.1 Diabetes mellitus
2.6 Respiratoiy diseases
2.6.1 Chronic bronchitis
2.6.2 Bronchial asthma
2.7 Gastro-intestinal Diseases
2.7.1 Constipation
2.7.2 Indigestion
2.8 Musculo-skeletal diseases
2.8.1 Osteoporosis
2.8.2 Osteoarthritis
2.9 Genito-urinary diseases
2.9.1 Benign prostate hypertrophy
2.10 Surgical problems
2.10.1 Fistula in ano
2.10.2 Haemorrhoids
2.11 Woman specific geriatric diseases
2.11.1 Menopausal syndrome
2.12 Miscellaneous issues in the elderly
Section 3 - Other issues
3.1 Social and spiritual issues in the elderly
3.2 Rehabilitation in the elderly MsSVig

Harish Johari - Ayurvedic Healing Cuisine [1 eBook - PDF] (Hinduism)

Ayurvedic Healing Cuisine explains the healing qualities of various foods and spices and recommends combinations appropriate for specific conditions of body and mind.
• Provides a complete introduction to the Ayurvedic science of healthy eating.
• Includes 200 vegetarian recipes to improve health and longevity.
• By Harish Johari, the bestselling author of Chakras, Tools for Tantra, and Numerology.

One of the oldest systems of medicine in the world, the Indian science of Ayurveda views the human being as intimately connected with the environment and all other life forms. It prescribes various methods of synchronizing ourselves with the world around us, placing great emphasis on diet and the specific attributes of different foods. Following these ancient guidelines, Harish Johari offers a clear and concise introduction to the principles of Ayurvedic eating and explains the healing qualities that foods and spices impart according to their subtle energies. He suggests special combinations to heal and balance both body and mind and includes 200 vegetarian recipes. MsSVig

Li-Chun Huang - Auriculotherapy Diagnosis and Treatment [1 Scan OCR - PDF] (Taoism)

TheOccult.bz Exclusive:- Sharing Outside TheOccult Site Will Result In Your Account Getting Banned

Dr. Li-chun Huang is a well-known authority on Auriculotherapy as well as Traditional Chinese Medicine. Graduated from Military College for Advanced Studies of Surgery, Beijing, China. Dr. Huang is director of PLA Acupuncture and Acupuncture-Anesthesia Committee of 301 PLA General Hospital in Beijing. She has spent 30 years studying ear acupuncture, and is a pioneer in auriculotherapy in both fields of diagnosis and treatments. She is a researcher and practitioner and has diagnosed and treated over 150,000 patients including two prime ministers of China, President of Italy, hundreds of generals, ministers and ambassadors in China and abroad. She has published more than a dozen auricular research papers and articles, and has trained over ten thousand medical students in the field of auricular acupuncture. Without a doubt, she is a top expert and specialist in Auriculotherapy.

Power Users and Up - Now
All Users - Upgrade your account to PU to gain access to exclusive material: upload 25 GB or donate and be a member for 4 weeks MsSVig

Drupka Order - Tibetan Buddhist rites from the monasteries of Bhutan (2005) [2 CD - 44 Mp3] (Buddhism )

Drupka Order -  Tibetan Buddhist rites from the monasteries of Bhutan ( 2005)

Recorded by John Levy

More than 140 minutes of the most powerful
Tibetan music ever recorded. Mythic recordings
by John Levy.

John Levy, an Englishman in Bhutan, early seventies. Released by Lyrichord in the mid-'70s, all the people who have listen to these vinyls know that there isn't something more powerful, more prodigious and pure than them. John Levy was a London ethnomusicologist who took refuge in Tibetan Buddhism. So he had all the possibilities to record - with his Nagra stereo - all the rituals (even the most sacred). We can say that what is discovered here is unique and far beyond all that was done after that. All the material is fully remastered, and we propose the Levy's collection divided into two volumes: one of rituals and chanting (SR222, 2005) and one of instrumentals and folk music (SR230, 2005).

The great power of the rituals of the Drupka and Nyingmapa Order. On the first volume, a double cd with extented notes, Rituals of the Drupka Order, the primary instrument is the long golden trumpet, along with various drums and percussion and a deep droning bass. Rather than soothingly meditative, the music can be a bit dissonant to Western ears. Chanted and played by 76 lamas and monks with long trumpets, shawms, cymbals, drums and other Tibetan instruments in sacred temples. Invited by the King of Bhutan, Levy was afforded every facility for recording monastic music in the main dzongs (great fort-like monasteries) of the Nyingmapa Order. The ethereal polytonal throat chanting, the long trumpets, shawms and percussion instruments, the processional music and spectacular mask dances, Tibetan and Bhutanese secular songs and poems, all reproduced with incredible sonic fidelity. A truly remarkable collection, with extensive liner notes, photographs, and musical illustrations by John Levy.


CD 1
Part 1: Rituals Of The Drukpa Order From Thimphu And Punakha
01 In Praise Of Genyen 5:40
02 Offering Of Golden Drink 1:22
03 Exhortation To The Guardian Goddess Of Long Life 5:07
04 Long Trumpets, 'Throat Ornament' 1:35
05 Long Trumpets, 'Two Notes Prolonged' 0:45
06 Invitation To Gonpo 3:05
07 Petition To Chakchen 4:23
08 Invoking Tshetro's Blessings 3:04
09 Supplication To The Buddhas 3:57
10 Aspiration To Be Reborn In The Western Paradise 1:03
11 Petition To Dramar 1:16
12 Prayer For Lama's Long Life 1:14
13 Large 'Mani-Wheel', With Mantra 1:49
14 Rite To Cure Disease, Chanted By Nuns 1:37
15 Rite To Cure Disease, Chanted By Nuns 3:06
16 Rite To Cure Disease, Chanted By Nuns 2:19
17 Bo Go Gyaling 1:37
18 Banga Trin Trin 3:23
19 Dung Chen, Long Trumpets 2:39
Part 2 : Sacred Dances And Rituals Of The Nyingmapa And Drukpa Orders From Nyimalung And Tongsa
20 Deer Dance 2:57
21 The Drum Dance Of Dramitse 3:52
22 Lama Norbu Gyamtseo, Lit. Jewel Ocean Guru 2:30
23 Lama Norbu Gyamtseo, Lit. Jewel Ocean Guru 9:06
24 Lama Norbu Gyamtseo, Lit. Jewel Ocean Guru 5:26

CD 2
01 Entreaty To The Three Buddha-Bodies 6:38
02 Invitation To Padma Sambhava 6:32
03 Rise Up, Padma 5:01
04 Words Of Prayer 2:49
05 Tibetan Shawms 2:19
Part 3 : Temple Rituals And Public Ceremonies
06 Myule Drelwa, Calling Down Of Deities To Subjugate Evil Spirit; And Kulwa, Its Death, Stabbed By Black Hat 10:24
07 Part Of Junbeb, The Coming / Down Of Grace 3:16
08 Monks In Procession Playing Portable Instruments Followed By Chanting Of The Heart-Drop Teaching 5:26
09 Drammyen Choshe, Song Of Offering, With Lute (Dramnyen) Lute Solo, Followed By Chorus, In A Praise Of Sons Of Buddha 3:58
10 Dramnyen Choshe, Chorus Only, Song In Praise Of Chinese Silk 1:29
11 Monks, A Clown, Crowds And Instruments 2:13
12 Monks, A Clown, Crowds And Instruments 2:12
13 Monks, A Clown, Crowds And Instruments 2:09
14 End Of Festival, With Temple Belle, And Drums And Trumpets 2:48
15 Wandering Ascetic 4:46
16 (Manip) Chanting A Milarepa Poem And A Mantra 0:24
17 Cymbals (Silnyen) Played Solo 0:53
18 Cross-Flute (Zurlim), Folk-Song From E. Bhutan 2:19
19 Another Manip Chanting Milarepa Poem 2:43
20 First Manip As Story-Teller 1:43 MsSVig

Heiner Fruehauf - Macrocosmic Alchemy - The Hidden Code to Deciphering the Function of the Chinese Organ Networks (2011) - [WebRip 2 MP4] (Taoism)

These lectures present the results of a 10-year research project led by sinologist and Chinese medicine practitioner Heiner Fruehauf. This groundbreaking exploration employs ancient symbolism, star lore, and mythology to introduce a comprehensive method aimed at defining the functions of the Chinese organ networks with much greater clarity, depth and detail than presently outlined in the textbooks of modern TCM. (All presentations in English) MsSVig

Shree Gulabkunverba Ayurvedic Society - Charaka Samhita [1 eBook - PDF] (Hinduism)

The Caraka Saṃhitā or "Compendium of Caraka" is an early text on Ayurveda (Indian traditional medicine). It is one of the two foundational texts of this field, both dating to the early centuries of the Common Era.

The Charaka-samhita as it exists today is thought to have arisen in the 1st century ce. Studies on ancient Indian medicine indicate, however, that the original text was written several centuries earlier by Agnivesha, who was one of six disciples of Ayurvedic scholar Punarvasu Atreya (the other five disciples were Bhela, Jatukarna, Parashara, Harita, and Ksharapani). Each of the disciples went on to compose samhitas, incorporating ideas from Atreya’s school of thought as well as their own understanding of the subject. Of those, the Agnivesha-samhita, composed by Agnivesha, was unique in depth and content. Later refined and annotated by Charaka, it came to be known as the Charaka-samhita. Charaka divided the treatise into eight parts, or ashtanga sthanas: sutra, nidana, vimana, sarira, endriya, chikitsa, kalpa, and siddha; each part contained multiple chapters.

While Charaka delved into all aspects of medicine, including the logic and philosophy behind the Indian medicinal system, he placed special emphasis on the diagnosis of disease and treated Ayurveda as a comprehensive system of health care that dealt with both preventive and curative aspects. He also dealt elaborately with subjects such as fetal generation and development, anatomy of the human body, and function and malfunction of the body according to the tridosha (the three humours of the body)—vata, pitta, and kapha. He also discussed the classification of various diseases. MsSVig

Daniel Joseph - Virtual Circle Audio Lessons [WebRip - 3 MP3] (Esoteric Christianity)

Virtual Circle Audio Lessons
The Teachings of Daskalos & the Researchers of Truth
with Daniel Joseph hosted by Dr. Ken Davis on Rockland World Radio

Life in the Higher Worlds - June 6th, 2012
Kingdom of the Heavens - July 25th, 2012
The Mind & Mansions of God - August 8th, 2012

You can also listen to these HERE

In 1919 the young Daskalos, was already able to Self-Consciously travel to the worlds of the higher dimensions.  At seven, he could speak the languages of his past lives and consciously communicated with “great intelligences” that guided him from the worlds beyond.  His parents knew this and believed in his abilities but warned him not to reveal these things to other people.  From the beginning of this incarnation Daskalos knew who he was and the purpose of his life on Earth.  What he did not know at the beginning was that all the people around him were not like him. He thought everyone could communicate with these higher intelligences whom he called brother guides; but he was about to find out just how different he really was.

We could rightly say that in 1919 the seven year-old Daskalos established the beginning of the Circles for the Research of Truth and the System for the Research of Truth, which continues to this day.  Today, each of Daskalos’ Researchers of Truth Circles is headed by an advanced brother or sister Researcher of Truth.  Each circle is independent from the other circles, which means that the leaders and members of one circle do not interfere with the work or members of the other circles.
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