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Various Autors- Sitra Ahra Magazine Ed. 2 (Portuguese) [1 Ebook, Pdf] (Satanism / Left-Hand Path)

Greetings from this side!

After gestating for a long time, here it is expelled the second edition of Sitra Ahra, electronic publication of occult philosophy, philosophy draconian, LHP (Left Hand Path) and the like, and going far beyond the current and the new age fad pseudoesotérico and pseudoespiritualista mercenary mass. Sitra Ahra is also free of sectarianism, fundamentalism and esquisoterismos misticoides, striving for freedom of expression, thought and knowledge dissemination "damned". MsSVig

Various Autors- Sitra Ahra Magazine Ed. 01 (Portuguese) [1 Ebook, Pdf] (Satanism / Left-Hand Path)

Greetings from this side!

Expelled from the "other side" to the ordinary world and current, the first edition of Sitra Ahra, electronic publication of occult philosophy, philosophy draconian and LHP, aiming to show the "other side" of things ...

"Sitra Ahra" means "other side" in Hebrew. In occult philosophy and draconian, this "other side" is considered the early universe, a universe pre-cosmic chaos that precedes the existence of all things. Simply put, Sitra Ahra is a world apparently very "distant" and "contrary" to the ordinary world, the universe is supposedly known. Sitra Ahra is the womb from which comes all the vast multitude of the universe manifested and unmanifested, therefore, the manifestation of the primordial female powers and the representation of the night, the mystery, the hidden, the secret. MsSVig

Meeta Ravindra - Planetary Mantras [1 CD - 7 MP3] (Hinduism)

In Hinduism it is used a lot to Vedic Astrology, which teaches us that the fact that a person be born with certain planets in your chart, brings a karmic baggage, as both favorable and unfavorable aspects. Western astrology says that there are no remedies to resolve or mitigate the unfavorable aspects, in contrast to Vedic Astrology teaches that yes has ways to mitigate or even extinguish the bad aspects that particular planet influences a particular person. One is the "Mantras". Since the universe is dynamic, constantly changing the layout cosmic and often brings our life adverse consequences imposing pain, sorrow and suffering. Because they are closer to other celestial bodies, the rays of the planets are the ones that have the greatest influence on our mind and psyche. Being willing planets unfavorably, Vedic astrology suggests recite mantras to annihilate these adverse consequences. MsSVig

Meeta Ravindra - Melody of Chakras [1 CD - 7 MP3] (Hinduism)

Assuming that the microcosm of the macrocosm arose, we can safely deduce that the two are trained to the same standards. This means that they have the same energy, elements and everything. Thus, the human body in its entirety has seven elements and continuously receives the energies of the cosmos. The processing of these energy centers are called chakras.
Modern science is coming to the conclusion that most diseases are psychosomatic or result from the imbalance of vital energy that flows within the body. In ancient times, the wise know the power of sound, developed the concept of ragas, using music to restore the energy balance. Through deep meditation and living with nature, realized that certain sets of notes, invoked within discipline and rules, give the musician the fundamental requirements for all improvisation in Indian music. Also realized that the vibration of certain notes or set of notes and melodies cause changes in the chakras, catalyzing or decreasing functions. These changes psychophysical energy and change the state of consciousness of the musician and listener.
With this proposal, we designed this album contains 7 tracks corresponding to each of the chakras. At the beginning of each track is sung the mantra of the element (earth, water, fire, air, ether, operative energy and consciousness) of each chakra, followed by their respective raga as vocal and instrumental.


Muladhar Chakra

2- RAGA KAFI (8:23)
Svadhisthan Chakra

Manipur Chakra

4- RAGA PILU (9:18)
Anahat Chakra

5- RAGA BAIRAGI (9:18)
Vishuddha Chakra

6- RAGA MARWA (9:02)
Agya Chakra

7-RAGA ADANA (7:25)
Sahasrar Chakra MsSVig

Meeta Ravindra - Cosmic Sounds Mantras [1 CD - 7 MP3] (Hinduism)

All matter is composed of energy that is present in the universe, from the "Absolute", from which everything emanates and to which all returns. The entrance of this vital energy in the human body occurs through the prana and is processed through the chakras - the energy centers.
When the chakras are unable to process and disseminate this energy properly then arise psychic disorders, mental and physical, which can disturb the stability of the internal environment of the body, thus resulting in various diseases, including stress too.
Mantras are the means not only to restore the function of the chakras, but to elevate the human condition to the more conscious, to which we all aspire.


1-BIJ MANTRAS (15:56)





6- JAIN MANTRAS (1:44)


M. S. Valiathan - The Legacy of Caraka [1 eBook - DJVU] (Hinduism)

The legacy of Caraka is an ambitious “retelling” of the Caraka-saṃhitā, the earliest extant Sanskrit medical manual dating from the early to mid-second century ce. M S Valiathan, a western-trained cardiologist, provides us with a reorganized version of the text in which he has rearranged and condensed the material found in all eight sthānas (“sections”) of the Sanskrit original. He has organized the material according to theme. In his introduction, Valiathan properly highlights the philosophical and religious eclecticism of the Caraka-saṃhitā, emphasizing its non-dogmatic nature. The text's author, Caraka, most likely a physician at the court of Devaputra Kaniṣka, a second-century king of the Kushan empire, was, as Valiathan writes, not a “passive borrower of ideas, and in this case whatever was borrowed, underwent a transformation in his mint” (p. ii).

Though generally a very useful book, the introduction is marred by moralizing fabulations (pp. xv–xvi). Valiathan also strains to establish a continuity of tradition from the much older Atharva-veda, which delineates a medicine that is largely based on the deployment of mantras and the bestowing of amulets, up through Caraka's text. He writes of Atharvan “echoes” in the Caraka-saṃhitā, but “echoes” by nature are interpretively suggestive. Valiathan also states that the Atharva-veda “anticipates” the tridoṣa (or “trihumoral”) system of Caraka, but does not provide us with any textual evidence or “proof” to enforce this point of view. But that said, Valiathan includes in his introduction a most useful discussion of diseases, and by systematically plotting the recurrence of the names of disorders in Caraka's text, he attempts to reconstruct the “epidemiologic scene … in Caraka's period through the mist of twenty centuries” (p. xlvi). Fever, of course, wins.

The book is strewn with many observations—some of them quite insightful—that speculate on major āyurvedic theories (particularly on tridoṣa and vega, or “urge”) and how they may be thought about in terms of western medical science. As long as we remain solidly in the realm of analogy and do not wander into the problematic realm of correspondence, such speculations are useful, and can serve to deepen a reader's understanding of how these theories “work” in a physiological sense.

Valiathan's section on rasas (“tastes”) is particularly good, and the tables that he provides are of great value (e.g. Table 16.1, pp. 107–8, which lists food incompatibilities). He has also chosen to condense the more unwieldy and elaborate portions of the Caraka-saṃhitā, but he never does so without alerting readers to the fact. His “digests” are made with great care—Valiathan never sacrifices the underlying logics and principles prevailing in these portions; in fact, they shine through a bit more clearly than in the original text precisely because of his condensations. The words of modern science and medicine do creep in now and then—“ova”, for instance—and translators as well as the new redactors of Caraka such as Valiathan would do well to avoid making such equations whenever possible (but this is admittedly hard to avoid). Valiathan's decision to provide digests for the lengthier chapters works especially well in his treatments of the Kalpa and Siddhi-sthānas (the sections on “pharmacology” and “cures” respectively), where literally hundreds of formulas for emetics and purgatives are listed.

The legacy of Caraka will prove useful as a reference book, and I can imagine assigning sections of it for use in general introductory courses on South Asian cultures and civilizations as well as in more specialized courses on medical anthropology and the history of medicine. Valiathan concludes his book with a list of botanical terms and an excellent glossary. Reading the entire book will help to attune the reader's own intuitions and expectations about how the systems of āyurveda work. MsSVig

Lakshmipathi - Ayurvedic Encyclopaedia. Theories of Ayurveda [2 Ebook - PDF] (Hinduism)

Part I. Background of Ayurveda : Historical background (Bharatiya Vijnanam) / Philosophical background (Bharatiya Tatwa Vijnanam) / Definition of Ayurveda, its scope, importance and utility (Ayurvedam Anantaparam) / Faith treatment in Ayurveda (Daivavyapasraya Chikitsa) / History of Ayurveda / Study of Ayurveda in ancient India / Tridhatu Siddhanta / Ayurveda, an Adhyatmika science.
Part II. Hygiene : Sadvrittam (good conduct social hygiene) / Swasthavrittam (personal hygiene) / Dinacharya at the age of 75 / The science and art of massage / Utility of massage in treatment of diseases / Ayurveda versus Allopathy.
Part III. Report on Arogya Yatra : Report on Arogya Yatra / Execution of the plan / Self supporting education / Addresses of Dr. Lakshmipathi / Census of Vaidyas in Dandulur Firka / Lessons of Arogya Yatra.
Part IV : Appendix.
Part I. Panchakarmas : Summary of Ayurvedic treatment / Other purificatory measures in Ayurveda / General survey of Ayurvedic treatment / The Ayurvedic pharmacology (Rasa, Virya, Vipaka etc. in Ayurveda).
Part II. Midwifery and surgery in Ayurveda : Midwifery in Ayurveda / A comprehensive and straight forward analysis of " A healthy progeny" in Ayurveda / Surgery in Ayurveda / (Neuro) brain surgery in Ayurveda.
Part III. Diagnosis in Ayurveda : The importance of diagnosis / Nidana-cause of disease / Purva rupa / Rupa / Upasaya-diagnosis by experimental treatment / Samprapti / Ashta Sthana Pariksha / Nadi-pulse / Mutra Pariksha (examination of urine) / Mala Pariksha (examination of stools) / Jihva-the tongue / Sound (sabda)-examination of voice (Sabda Pariksha) / Sparsa- the sense of touch / Druk-eyes / Akriti-general condition and apperance / Examination of the patient (Rogi Pariksha) / Arishtas-Symptoms foreboding death.
Part IV. Treatment in Ayurveda : Jwara (fevers) / Modern conception of fever and its Ayurvedic survey / Ama and its importance. MsSVig

Yan De-Xin - Aging and Blood Stasis: A New TCM Approach to Geriatrics (1st Ed.) [1 Scan OCR - PDF] (Taoism)

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Yan De-xin is one of the leading "old Chinese doctors" in the People's Republic of China today. His theories on blood stasis and aging have revolutionized 2,000 years of Chinese geriatric medicine. Besides being a clinical manual on the treatment of all the most commonly seen geriatric diseases, this book contains the best discussion of the inter-relationship of the qi and blood of any so far in the English language. This book is an important addition to the English language Chinese medical literature.

Peter Deadman in The Journal of Chinese Medicine 51 wrote:

Yan De-Xin is a famous 'old doctor' whose original theories and clinical work on aging have won him various prizes in China. It is well known that conventionally traditional Chinese medicine ascribes aging itself, and many of the diseases that accompany it, primarily to deficiency and decline, especially of the Kidneys and Spleen, and senility-combating formulas mostly stress supplementation of yin or yang. By contrast, Dr. Yan holds that blood stasis resulting from disharmony of qi and blood is the primary pathological state in old age, reflected by the saying "Life consists of transportation and stirring" and "Life consists of balance". Disharmony of qi and blood includes such patterns as qi deficiency and blood stasis, qi stagnation and blood stasis, rebellion of both qi and blood etc. Once blood is static, other patterns may emerge, for example heat may be generated, fluids may fail to move resulting in the formation of phlegm, or failure of free flow may lead to deficiency, reflecting the theory that blood stasis is itself a secondary cause of disease. Dr Yan states:

we can see that, in the senility of the human body, vacuity is only a symptom, while stasis is its root. Vacuity is the result, while stasis is the cause. The root of human senility consists of static blood ... I have personally observed that, after entering the period of old age, human beings typically manifest marked symptoms of blood stasis. For example, the appearance of skin pigmentation, rough skin, sclerotic opacitis, and senile plaques are all typical manifestations of blood stasis. Among the commonly seen geriatric diseases such as arteriosclerosis, hypertension, coronary heart diseases, windstroke, senile dementia, prostatic hyperplasia, and diseases of vertebrae in the neck, the cause of these diseases and their clinical manifestations are all related to blood stasis.

In this important book, Dr. Yan first lays down the theoretical foundations of his theory with references to many classics, and examines the symptoms and signs of blood stasis according to both Chinese and Western medicine. He then gives 10 primary 'balancing' prescriptions for treating different patterns of blood stasis (for example moving the qi and transforming stasis, clearing heat and transforming stasis etc.) and 4 balancing prescriptions for combating senility and preserving health. The bulk of the book, however, is devoted to prescriptions used in the treatment of various diseases of senility, and here we can see how his theory is carried out in practice. In many cases, standard prescriptions are used, with the addition of relatively small doses of one or two blood stasis herbs such as Chuan Xiong (Radix Ligustici Wallichii) or Dan Shen (Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae). In other cases, blood moving is more prominent, for example his prescription for impotence due to damage to Heart and Kidneys includes Dan Shen (Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae) 15g, Chi Shao (Radix Paeoniae Rubrae) 9g and Hong Hua (Flos Carthami Tinctorii) 9g. In the treatment of Spleen deficiency diarrhoea, the basic prescription is unsurprising except for the inclusion of Chuan Xiong (Radix Ligustici Wallichii). However an appended note says that if this prescription is not effective, one should add Ge Xia Zhu Yu Tang.

One of the dominant characteristics of aging is loss of flexibility and increasing stiffness in both the body and mind. Recent research has clearly demonstrated the great value of moving and exercising the body to counteract this stasis, and it is no great surprise to see this basic concept emphasised so strongly in the clinical treatment of diseases of aging. Whether moving blood stasis should be seen as quite such a universally applicable principle of geriatrics, or one that should be applied appropriately, will be decided by many years of clinical experimentation with Dr. Yan's theories. Certainly the principle should be absorbed by every practitioner, and we should be grateful to Dr. Yan for his originality and innovation


Sreekumar - Ashtanga Hridayam [2 eBook - PDF, DJVU] (Hinduism)

Ashtanga Hridaya is the third major treatise on Ayurveda. It was written by Vagbhata around the 7th century (AD 500). It is predominantly based on the teachings of Charaka and Susruta Samhitas though it also gives its own views on different topics. It contains information regarding the two schools of ayurveda, namely the school of surgery and the school of physicians. MsSVig

Kaviraj N.N. Sengupta - The Ayurvedic System Of Medicine [2 Ebook - STDU] (Hinduism)

Ayurveda and Health Sciences MsSVig

Timothy Roderick - Wicca A Year And A Day [1 Scan OCR - 1 PDF] (Wicca)


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There are no shortcuts to becoming a Witch. Traditionally, students take a year and a day to prepare for their initiation into the Craft. Based on this age-old custom, Wicca: A Year and A Day is a one-of-a-kind introductory guide that presents 366 days of training in the Craft of the Wise.

Ideal for solitary practitioners, this intensive study course teaches core Witchcraft tenets and practices: becoming attuned to the wonders of nature and the turning of the seasons, working with natural sacred energies, and performing divinations and casting spells. You'll learn how to develop the inner discipline of seers and sages through meditation and visualization exercises. Other Witchcraft essentials covered in this guidebook's daily lessons include:

Timothy Roderick (California) has practiced Wicca and shamanism for more than twenty years and has acted as the Spiritual Director for the EarthDance Collective, a Wiccan community, for the past decade. Timothy holds a master's degree in clinical psychology. He is a psychotherapist and educational psychologist.
*VSB* MsSVig

Richard Gerber - Vibrational Medicine - The Number One Handbook of Subtle Energy Therapies (1 Scan OCR - 1 PDF) (Everything Else)


The original comprehensive guide to energetic healing with a new preface by the author and updated resources.

• More than 125,000 copies sold.

• Explores the actual science of etheric energies, replacing the Newtonian worldview with a new model based on Einstein's physics of energy.

• Summarizes key points at the end of each chapter to help the serious student absorb and retain the wealth of information presented.

Vibrational Medicine has gained widespread acceptance by individuals, schools, and health-care institutions nationwide as the textbook of choice for the study of alternative medicine. Trained in a variety of alternative therapies as well as conventional Western medicine, Dr. Gerber provides an encyclopedic treatment of energetic healing, covering subtle-energy fields, acupuncture, Bach flower remedies, homeopathy, radionics, crystal healing, electrotherapy, radiology, chakras, meditation, and psychic healing. He explains current theories about how various energy therapies work and offers readers new insights into the physical and spiritual perspectives of health and disease.

"A veritable encyclopedia of new and old healing practices in which concepts of energy form the basis for diagnosis and/or treatment. . . . provides enough solid evidence and provocative insights to be of interest to both advocates and skeptics of unconventional medicine." (Utne Reader)

"This book is at the cutting edge of the whole health movement." (Publishers Weekly)

"Dr. Richard Gerber has provided a valuable step in thinking about the higher reaches of human beings beyond mechanics to the domain of mind and spirit, and shows how these issues will become crucial factors in the medicine of the future." (Larry Dossey, M.D., author of Healing Words)

"A landmark book, written with profound understanding, but in simple and readable language." (Health World)

"[This book] proves to be a worthy reference work and a help to practitioners and patients alike. For those who wish to take responsibility for their own health, it is a valuable information resource." (Jennifer Hoskens, New Dawn, Nov-Dec 2006)

"For the serious student of whole body healing, this book is an essential purchase. . . . an invaluable resource both for healers and those who need a solid reference book on healing modalities." (Pamela Crossland, TCM Reviews)

" . . . a classic reference book for anyone seeking a comprehensive overview of the field of energy medicine. . . . manages to be quite the page-turner, by virtue of maintaining effervescent enthusiasm for the subject throughout. . . .strikes an easy balance between sharing ancient esoteric spiritual teachings, newer vibrational therapies, and scientific research. . . . Readers who are intrigued and open-minded to studying all these areas will find this book an absolute must-read. . . . I highly recommend VIBRATIONAL MEDICINE to anyone interested in a more complete understanding of the energies related to optimal health." (RealityShifters News, August 2004)

“Dr. Richard Gerber has provided a valuable step in thinking about the higher reaches of human beings beyond mechanics to the domain of mind and spirit, and shows how these issues will become crucial factors in the medicine of the future.” (Larry Dossey, M.D., author of Healing Words)

“. . . a thoughtful, well-written and excellent reference book for anyone working with subtle-energies and healing.” (Alaska Wellness, May 2011)
From the Back Cover

“Dr. Richard Gerber has provided a valuable step in thinking about the higher reaches of human beings beyond mechanics to the domain of mind and spirit, and shows how these issues will become crucial factors in the medicine of the future.”
--Larry Dossey, M.D., author of Healing Words

“A landmark book, written with profound understanding, but in simple and readable language.”
--Health World

“This book is at the cutting edge of the whole health movement.”
--Publishers Weekly

“A veritable encyclopedia of new and old healing practices in which concepts of energy form the basis for diagnosis and/or treatment . . . provides enough solid evidence and provocative insights to be of interest to both advocates and skeptics of unconventional medicine.”
--Utne Reader

This combination of ancient wisdom and new science is the definitive introduction to health care for modern times. The standard reference book on energetic healing, Vibrational Medicine has gained widespread acceptance by individuals, schools, and health care institutions nationwide as the textbook of choice for the study of alternative medicine. Trained in a variety of alternative therapies as well as conventional Western medicine, Dr. Gerber provides an encyclopedic treatment of energetic healing, covering subtle-energy fields, acupuncture, Bach flower remedies, homeopathy, radionics, crystal healing, electrotherapy, radiology, chakras, meditation, and psychic healing. He explains current theories about how various energy therapies work and offers readers new insights into the physical and spiritual perspectives of health and disease.

DR. RICHARD GERBER (1954-2007) received his medical degree from Wayne State University School of Medicine in Detroit. He was highly respected for his thirty-one years of progressive research into alternative methods of diagnosis and healing. MsSVig

Philippe d'Assac Ploncard - La maçonnerie (French) (1 Scan OCR - 1 PDF) (Freemasonry)

In French
Depuis la fin du XVIIIème siècle nombre de livres ont été écrits sur la maçonnerie, soit pour en louer les aspects humanitaires dont elle se pare, soit au contraire pour en dénoncer les buts cachés nocifs à la société et au citoyen.

L'intérêt majeur de ce livre de Philippe Plancard d' Assac est qu'il s'est attaché à en démontrer le vrai visage à l'aide de documents maçonniques, anciens et récents, irréfutables, qui démontrent qu'elle n'a en rien changé ses objectifs mondialistes messaniques, contraires aux intérêts des peuples et des nations.

Avec une extrême rigueur, sans passion, mais sans complaisances non plus, ce livre facile à lire, est non seulement une promenade au travers de !'Histoire de France jusqu'à nos jours, mais une passionante analyse politique et philosophique des principes qui agitent les sociétés.

Une leçon et un espoir pour l'avenir.

Un livre, comme l'écrit l'auteur dans sa Conclusion, "afin que nul ne puisse dire qu'il ne savait pas".

Pascal Henriot

In English
Since the late eighteenth century, many books have been written on the masonry or to rent the humanitarian aspects which it is adorned, on the contrary to disclose latent harmful to the company goals and the citizen.

The main interest of this book Philippe Plancard Assac 's is that it is attached to demonstrate the true face with Masonic documents, old and new, compelling, demonstrating that it has nothing changed its messaniques globalist objectives, contrary to the interests of peoples and nations.

With extreme rigor, without passion, without complacency either, easy to read book is not only a walk through! 'History of France until today, but passionante political and philosophical principles that stir companies.

A lesson and a hope for the future.

A book, as the author writes in his conclusion, "so no one can say he did not know."

Pascal Henriot MsSVig

Magick & Theurgy - Issue 02 [1 eBook - PDF] (Ritual Magic)

A free publication of the Aurum Solis - Ecclesia Ogdoadica

Magick & Theurgy 02


The Naxos Sphinx 8
and the Delphi Sanctuary
By Myriam Rotzetter.

Hermes 14
The Wise and Volatile God
By Sophie Watson

The Divine Arcana of the 18
Aurum Solis
By Martin Béliard

From the Calyx to Hermes 24
By Jean-Louis De Biasi

Body, Mind & Soul 31
By Patricia Bourin

Symbols of the Great Work 33
The Mercury of the Wise
By Martin Béliard


Kaviraj Kunja Lal Bhishagratna - Sushruta Samhita (Vol 1, 2 & 3) [3 eBook - DJVU] (Hinduism)

An English translation of the Sushruta samhita, based on original Sanskrit text. Edited and published by Kaviraj Kunja Lal Bhishagratna. With a full and comprehensive introd., translation of different readings, notes, comperative views, index, glossary and plates (1907) MsSVig

Acharya Vipul Rao - Ayurvedic Cure For Common diseases [1 eBook - PDF] (Hinduism)

The author has adopted 'a heal yourself' approach so that the patient doesn't have to shell out much of hard earned money. It is hoped that this book will go a long way in ameliorating mental and physical suffering of the common man at a very reasonable cost. MsSVig

Bhagwan Dash - Concept of Agni in Ayurveda [1 eBook - PDF] (Hinduism)

Maurice Nicoll - Simple Explanation of Work Ideas [1 eBook - PDF] (Fourth Way)

Simple Explanation of Work Ideas
By Maurice Nicoll

Dr. Maurice Nicoll was an early student and proponent of the Gurdjieff Work. Dr. Nicoll led groups involved in the study and practice of Gurdjieff's ideas in England untill his death in 1953. He complied an extensive series of talks and introductions to practical effort that is one of the major literary contributions offered by Gurdjieff's early pupils.

p. one wrote:

Everyone is two people - the person we suppose ourselves to be, and what we really are. Only Self-Observation shows us this. We cannot understand that we are two people unless we begin to understand what it means to observe ourselves. We see a world outside: that is what our senses give us. But the senses are turned outwards from oneself and cannot see what one is.

But we have an organ inside ourselves which can observe this thing called oneself. By means of it we can see our thoughts, feelings, moods. This is the beginning of becoming another person.

Our life depends on this thing called 'oneself. If we wish to have a different life, we first of all have to realise what kind of life we have now. All forms of suffering are due to this 'oneself. As long as we remain this 'oneself our life cannot alter. It will always attract the same misfortunes, disappointments, and so on.

So the Work begins with seeing what one is like, what kind of person one is. For example, if we treat people without consideration for their feelings and do not know it, we shall always be suffering from their wish to keep away from us. But not seeing what we are like we blame others. Unless we see that we are behaving like this we cannot change. Other people realise what we are like: as we are, we do not - until we begin to observe ourselves. Through not seeing what we are like, we believe we are not properly treated.

If we observe what we are thinking and feeling, what we are saying, how we are acting, after a time a new memory begins, a memory about ourselves. From then on, we begin to realise we are not what we supposed ourselves to be. We will begin to behave differently, not to blame other people, not to feel owed something. We will begin to realise we are two people and always have been. What we have supposed ourselves to be is imaginary.

Amazon Review
It is exactly as the title says: a simple explanation of work ideas. Nicoll has done well to pre-digest this teaching so that those unfamiliar with the teaching can be nourished by it. It covers the necessary basic concepts of genuine self-transformation, addressing man, not as he is, but as he can be. This book is not for those who are 'into self-help' or the popular spiritual discipline of the day. It is for those who are sincere in their wish to be different, to contact the inner circles of mankind through which the teachings originate. While first contact with it is superficial, any actual and sincere efforts made according to this books suggestion, will reveal deeper and deeper layers of the essential human being that one is.

This is a fairly short read, and yet it arrives due to a great effort spanning mny lifetimes. Read this with reverence. It is for real. MsSVig

Charmaine Dey - The Magic Candle (1982) [1 Scan OCR- PDF] (Ritual Magic)

The Magic Candle : Facts and Fundamentals of Ritual Candle-Burning (1982)

Charmaine Dey
Original Publications
ISBN 0-942272-00-5

A nice little book that is as concise as it is helpful. Charmaine delves into planetary timing, color correspondences, candle types and the formula of ritual candle-burning.

The main object of this book is to help you understand what you are doing, and to create and develop your own techniques and rituals which will surely bring you the results you desire.

It doesn't matter what your religion is. You really don't have to be religious (or anti-religious) at all. Candle burning is a psychic and psychological experience, and may compliment your particular faith by arranging your rituals to blend into it. Nevertheless, you need not do anything which you feel is inharmonious with your personal beliefs, as there are countless alternatives.

There are countless authorities and traditions which attempt to tell you precisely what to do in each type of candle-burning ritual or "spell," but few which attempt to explain the reasons why it must be just so. The actual reason is because that is what works best for them - but does it mean anything to you?

The one basic simple fact we can feel sire of is that the act of burning candles does indeed cause and altered state of awareness, producing changes in circumstances. Think of the millions of men and women who have been persuaded and seduced, or extracted promises and proposals, concluded business deals, patched up squabbles, and resolved differences of opinion in the glowing magic of a candlelight supper. And many a birthday wish has come true when all the candles were blown out! MsSVig

Suba – Words to a Friend [1 Scan OCR - 1 PDF] (Everything Else)

Words to a Friend

Author: Suba
Publishing Company: SOHM Publishing 2013
OCR Scanned Pages: 112

Front Cover:

About the Book:

Short, quick, pithy poems on personal truth. Text is broken into three sections: (I) Who are we?; (II) Defining our Truth; (III) Living our Truth. While there are a lot of different analogies and allusions, the three systems most used are Christianity, Buddhism, and Science.

Sample Poem:

Flash light
       Bic pen
           ragged Blanket
                          I am in

This is sacred
          this is real
                 can't you feel?
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