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Louise Huebner - Power Through Witchcraft [1 Scan OCR - 1 PDF] (Wicca)


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The power is there, in all of us, and needs only to be pulled to the surface. Energy can be turned toward good or evil, and here are the secrets of "how-ID-do-it" witchcraft, including: The power of words and spells, voodoo charms, locks of hair, candles, bells, flowers, lotions and potions. Using psychic energy to attract or repel others. The actual words and actions for casting spells to protect yourself against evil. The magical qualities of the Moon. Blood charms to bind two people together forever (beware of this one. Sexual seduction spells, charmed sleep, sen­suality-awakening spice rubs, true love tea. How to increase your money through witchcraft. The why and how of orgies. And the always useful unwanted-lover spell. Dream what you want to, seduce whom you wish, repel your enemies and exercise power over everyone &­ these are the ideals of witchcraft, and Louise Huebner, a very modem witch indeed, tells exactly how to strive for these powers by revealing some of the world's most ancient and zealously-guarded secrets.
*VSB* MsSVig

Lusy Lloid-Barker Susan Fulton - The Essential Guide to Yoga (1 DVDRip - 1 AVI) (Yoga / Tantra)


Two well-known instructors we have released a joint mix for those who engage in fitness and does not want to delve into yoga ... Only what you need ... the bare minimum ... and if it will attract, we can find and complete video! A kind of review of training, which can be used in your training schedule! Discover a great way to stay fit and feel great! This step by step and easily accessible DVD will help you to start a healthy lifestyle and develop themselves in a new direction. The program begins with breath control, then the foundations of Hatha yoga. Then follow the power segments yoga, advanced toning and coaching techniques, ending with meditation and relaxation exercises - and more! Enjoy this program of yoga.

Take care of it today - for yourself, family and life! "This DVD - this is what I was looking for - a tutorial on the basic postures - such as the" tree "or" dog ", as well as a beautiful stretch the entire body. Beautiful British accent Trainers - for relaxation - another plus. Although this edition of a little "sloppy" (it was evident that some parts are cut from the other video), it can be forgiven, because in the end it was a good workout. This double DVD may not be suitable for a person who is a serious devotee of yoga, but good for a beginner, because this training is well developed heart and balance, and I feel fine MsSVig

Guy Tarade - Les Veines du dragon ou la magie de la terre (French) (1 Scan OCR - 1 PDF) (Everything Else)


Certains lieux magiques situés entre la frontière du visible et de l’invisible nous procurent un sentiment de bien-être et d’harmonie.

Depuis la nuit des temps, ces endroits privilégiés ont été associés aux choses sacrées, aux énergies cachées de notre planète. Les civilisations qui nous ont précédé ont peut-être réussi à tirer profit de ces énergies subtiles, véritable zones d’échanges entre le tellurisme de notre planète et le rayonnement cosmique.

En Occident, les peuples du néolithique détenaient un savoir sur les fluides souterrains, ceux qui sont des forces cachées au plus profond de la Terre . Les monuments et les sites, qu’ils nous ont laissés en héritage, seraient, en effet, des instruments d’une science ancestrale. Ces monuments (menhir, dolmen..) ont défié les siècles.

Le dragon est une énergie tellurique qui circule sous terre. Les énergies du dragon sont parfois malfaisantes mais le dragon est également relié à l’énergie de l’eau, source de vie. Animal mythique et symbolique en Chine, le dragon est un symbole de pouvoir, grand vivificateur du yin et du yang, qui personnifie le couplage entre le ciel et la terre. En France, on dénombre 4000 dolmens et 2000 menhirs.
Les cathédrales ont succédé aux pierres levées, qui sont de véritables « caisses de résonance psychique ».

La voie de la terre se manifeste en ces lieux sanctifiés et les énergies telluriques jaillissaient comme une source bienfaisante de ces caisses de résonance.

Some magical places located between the border of the visible and the invisible give us a sense of well-being and harmony.

Since the dawn of time, these special places have been associated with sacred things, the hidden energies of our planet. Civilizations that preceded us may have managed to take advantage of these subtle energies, true tellurism exchanges between our planet and cosmic radiation areas.

In the West, the Neolithic peoples had a knowledge of underground fluids, those that are hidden deep within the Earth forces. Monuments and sites, they left us a legacy, would, in fact, instruments of an ancient science. These monuments (menhirs, dolmen ..) defied centuries.

The dragon is a telluric energy that flows underground. The energies of the dragon are sometimes harmful, but the dragon is also connected to the energy of water, the source of life. Mythical and symbolic animal in China, the dragon is a symbol of power, great vivifying of yin and yang, who personifies the coupling between heaven and earth. In France, 4000 dolmens and menhirs there were 2000.

Cathedrals succeeded the standing stones, which are true "funds psychic resonance."
The way the earth manifests these hallowed places and earth energies sprang as a beneficial source of the sound boxes. MsSVig

Jean Beauchard - L'alchimie dans la Franc-Maçonnerie - Art et initiation (French) (1 Scan OCR - 1 PDF) (Alchemy)


In French
A près avoir explicité la nature de l'alchimie et comment la science d'Hermès a imprégné la Franc-maçonnerie, l'auteur nous livre l'histoire d'un itinéraire personnel : une longue et constante initiation à travers les pratiques artistiques, alchimiques et maçonniques. Les langages plastiques et philosophiques se nouent au fil d'un parcours qui interroge les motivations personnelles, la tradition fondamentale et les pratiques rituelles en les éclairant du regard de l'Art royal. Artiste créateur, Jean Beauchard conduit le lecteur de la matière vers l'esprit.

After explained the nature of alchemy and how science has permeated Hermes Freemasonry, the author gives us the story of a personal journey, a long and constant initiation through artistic practices, alchemical and Masonic. Plastics and philosophical languages are formed over a course that asks personal motivations, the fundamental tradition and ritual practices of the illuminating light of the Royal Art. Creative artist, Jean Beauchard leads the reader to the material mind. MsSVig

Josane Charpentier - La France des lieux et des demeures alchimiques (French) (1 Scan OCR - 1 PDF) (Alchemy)


Cet ouvrage est un guide pratique pour tous ceux qui souhaitent apprendre à reconnaître et comprendre les messages alchimiques qui - partout en France - apparaissent dans l’architecture et la décoration des cathédrales, châteaux, demeures anciennes. etc. Grâce à son expérience. J. Charpentier décrit avec clarté et précision ces hauts lieux de l’expression alchimique dont la signification passionnera les fervents d’hermétisme. La présentation de E. Canseliet, l’éminent spécialiste de l’alchimie. permet d’accéder à ce domaine fondamental de la réalité et ainsi de poser un regard radicalement différent sur l’homme et l’univers.

This book is a practical guide for all those wishing to learn to recognize and understand the alchemical messages - all over France - appear in the architecture and decoration of cathedrals, castles, old houses. etc.. Thanks to its experience. J. Carpenter describes with clarity and precision the high places of the alchemical expression whose meaning enthrall enthusiasts hermetic. The presentation of E. Canseliet, the leading expert of alchemy. provides access to this key area of reality and thus pose a radically different view of man and the universe.

After explained the nature of alchemy and how science has permeated Hermes Freemasonry, the author gives us the story of a personal journey, a long and constant initiation through artistic practices, alchemical and Masonic. Plastics and philosophical languages ??are formed over a course that asks personal motivations, the fundamental tradition and ritual practices of the illuminating light of the Royal Art. Creative artist, Jean Beauchard leads the reader to the material mind. MsSVig

Richard Gordon & Bruce Burger - Esoteric Anatomy - The Body as Consciousness (1 eBook - 1 EPUB) (Everything Else)


Esoteric Anatomy offers a spiritual approach to massage, bodywork, and somatic psychology, demystifying an ancient trans-personal model for understanding energy in nature and working with consciousness in the healing arts. MsSVig

John Novak - How To Meditate: A Step-by-Step Guide to the Art and Science of Meditation (1 Scan - 1 PDF) (Meditation)

This bestselling book presents a thorough, concise, step-by-step guide to the art andscience of meditation. Complete with photos and illustrations, How to Meditate is an aid tocalmness, increased vitality, clarity of mind, and ultimately, inner communion with God. Youlllearn about techniques for relaxing body and mind how to develop devotion and intuitionsecrets of the spinal centers chakras energy exercises and yoga philosophy from Patanjalis Eight fold Path. John Jyotish Novak has been teaching meditation to students worldwide for 30 years, and iscurrently Spiritual Director of Ananda Sangha, the largest network of spiritual communities in the world.

About the Author
Jyotish (John) Novak has studied, practiced and taught meditation for over 30 years. He came onto the spiritual path when he met Swami Kriyananda in 1966. Jyotish was a founding member of Ananda Village in Nevada City, California in 1968. Ananda Village is dedicated to spreading the spirit of friendship, service and community throughout the world.

For its first ten years Jyotish served as General Manager of Ananda Village. He and his wife Devi started the first city ashram for Ananda in San Francisco in 1979. In 1984 Jyotish expanded Ananda's outreach and helped start the work in Europe. Jyotish currently serves as the Spiritual Director of Ananda worldwide

Today, over 800 people reside in six Ananda communities throughout the world. (Seattle, Palo Alto, Portland, Sacramento and Assisi, Italy). The European retreat and community located in Assisi, Italy, also serves Ananda meditation groups in Europe, Croatia, and Russia. Both the Nevada City and Assisi communities have world-renowned guest retreat facilities where thousands of visitors annually visit for renewal or instruction in many aspects of meditation, yoga, and the spiritual life.

He is the author of the best-selling book How to Meditate, 30 Day Essentials for Career, and 30 Day Essentials for Marriage. He also is the creator of Meditation Therapy TM and has three videos: Meditation Therapy for Stress & Change, Meditation Therapy for Relationships, and Meditation Therapy for Health & Healing. Jyotish, who holds a BA in psychology, has taught and lectured throughout the world. MsSVig

INBI. Taoist alchemy. Sequence of the development of the mysterious vessel volume (Russian) (2006) [1 DVD - 6 VOB] (Taoism)

Year: 2006
Country: Russia
Genre: Video Training
Duration: 00:56:25

Description: At the beginning of our era in China began to form a system of knowledge, which requires a practical understanding of the properties of the body. This system took shape knowledge into practice, rooted in ancient times from us and received the name of "The Art of the transformation of internal and external."
The vessels of the human body (feet, knees, hips, hands, elbows, shoulders, abdomen, chest, head) are not only the physiological structure consisting of muscles, nerves and bones. Any of nine receptacles is a thin energy structure serving as a power storage of the power receptacles to the other, i.e. communication, and, most importantly, a certain energy generation, its intrinsic qualities necessary for human development.
Presented practice is aimed at the development of vascular knees, which also has the name "Mystery vessel of volume." Knowledge applied followers of internal alchemy, can be used by people who want to improve their health and achieve longevity. MsSVig

Silver RavenWolf - Silver's Spells For Prosperity [1 Scan OCR - 1 PDF] (Wicca)


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Get a grip on your cash flow with techniques designed and tested by one of today's most famous Witches. Banish old debts without heartache:unsure:, get money back from someone who owes you, and transform your money energy so it flows in the the right direction -- toward you! An abundance of spells can aid you in everything from paying your bills :-/to banishing blocks to your prosperity. Includes spell elements and ingredients.
*VSB* MsSVig

Rudolf Steiner - Intuitive Thinking As a Spiritual Path: A Philosophy of Freedom (Classics in Anthroposophy) [1 eBook - 1 PDF] (Everything Else)


[Rudolf Steiner] Intuitive Thinking As a Spiritual Path: A Philosophy of Freedom (Classics in Anthroposophy)


From http://www.amazon.com/Intuitive-Thinking-Spiritual-Path-Anth...

Of all of his works, Intuitive Thinking as a Spiritual Path is the one that Steiner himself believed would have the longest life and the greatest spiritual and cultural consequences. It was written as a phenomenological account of the "results of observing the human soul according to the methods of natural science.
This seminal work asserts that free spiritual activity - understood as the human ability to think and act independently of physical nature - is the suitable path for human beings today to gain true knowledge of themselves and of the universe. This is not merely a philosophical volume, but rather a warm, heart-oriented guide to the practice and experience of living thinking.

Readers will not find abstract philosophy here, but a step-by-step account of how a person may come to experience living, intuitive thinking - "the conscious experience of a purely spiritual content."

During the past hundred years since it was written, many have tried to discover this "new thinking" that could help us understand the various spiritual, ecological, social, political, and philosophical issues facing us. But only Rudolf Steiner laid out a path that leads from ordinary thinking to the level of pure spiritual activity - intuitive thinking - in which we become co-creators and co-redeemers of the world.


Rudolf Steiner - Genesis: Secrets of the Bible Story of Creation (Ten Lectures) [1 eBook - 1 PDF] (Everything Else)


[Rudolf Steiner] Genesis: Secrets of the Bible Story of Creation (Ten Lectures)


From http://books.google.com/books/about/Genesis.html?id=vUcV67_N...

How was the World Created? From a direct spiritual perception of the facts, Rudolf Steiner presents a new perspective that transcends the bipolar arguments of both the creationists and the scientific reductionist. He affirms that clairvoyant research accords with the biblical descriptions, but he emphasizes that the text of Genesis has to be interpreted in a special way.
In this extraordinary document, Steiner speaks of the six days of creation as a reawakening of the previous phases of the Earth's development. He describes the work of spiritual hierarchies in the creation of Earth and clarifies the relationship of the Elohim and the biblical Jehovah. In addition, Steiner discusses themes of light and darkness, the meaning of Adam and Eve, the "day of rest" on the seventh day, the stages of human development on Earth, and the special character of the Hebrew language. Also featured in this new edition is a previously unpublished introductory lecture on the meaning of mystery drama.


Hans Torwesten - Vedanta. Heart Of Hinduism [1 eBook - PDF] (Hinduism)

Torwesten has put together a survey of Vedanta along more or less historical lines. The first half of the book treats the teachings of the Upanishads and the Bhagavad Gita; the second half looks at Shankara's non-dualism, the swing back to theism in Ramanuja, and then the more recent developments of Ramakrishna, Vivekananda, Aurobindo, and Ramana Maharshi. This is a survey rather than strictly speaking an introduction; in my opinion it would be most useful to someone who has already had at least some exposure the material covered. The author's grasp and organization of the complex material is excellent, and his writing clear and at times witty. He does much more than general summarizing; he is a critical writer, he gets deeply into the difficulties of the material and conflicting points of view, points out the shades of meaning terms go through in the course of history, as well as the apparent and real contradictions, shortcomings and problems of various positions and doctrines. He illustrates constantly by comparing and contrasting Vedanta with western mystics and philosophers presumed to be better known to the reader. The final chapter is an essay on the relationship of Vedanta to western philosophy and theology and on their potential future as complementary and corrective of each other. This is a clear and concise summary of Vedanta in general, its history and main positions. It is useful to anyone who wants to know more about Hinduism, or to anyone interested in using eastern though to deepen and develop their own spiritual lives. MsSVig

Dion Fortune - Filosofia Oculta Del Amor Y Del Matrimonio [1 eBook - PDF] (Rosicrucian)


Dion Fortune - Filosofia Oculta Del Amor Y Del Matrimonio
Libros de texto esotérico básico de Dion Fortune en la psicología del amor y las relaciones da una explicación sencilla de los factores universales que gobiernan la interacción entre lo masculino y lo femenino, de la "baja" al nivel "más alto" de los siete planos. Un trabajo importante para los coleccionistas de Dion Fortune.

Dion Fortune's basic esoteric textbook on the psychology of love and relationships gives a simple explanation of the universal factors governing interaction between masculine and feminine, from the "lowest" to the "highest" level of the Seven Planes. An important work for Dion Fortune collectors. MsSVig

Rudolf Steiner - Truth and Knowledge [1 eBook - PDF] (Everything Else)

Rudolf Steiner        
Truth and Knowledge

Truth and Knowledge, essentially Rudolf Steiner's doctoral dissertation, subtitled Introduction to The Philosophy of Freedom," is just that--an essential work in the foundations of spiritual science. In it, the epistemological foundations of spiritual knowledge are clearly and logically presented. Originally published together with The Philosophy of Freedom in a single volume, this work is fundamental to an understanding of that seminal work (currently published as Intuitive Thinking as a Spiritual Path) and to a more complete comprehension of the philosophical basis of Steiner's spiritual science. CONTENTS: Preliminary Remarks Kant's Basic Epistemological Question Epistemology since Kant The Starting Point of Epistemology Cognition and Reality Epistemology Free of Assumptions and Fichte's Science of Knowledge Epistemological Conclusion Practical Conclusion This book is essential reading for all serious students of anthroposophy. MsSVig

Tosun Bayrak - The Name and The Named [1 Scan OCR - PDF] (Sufism)



The Name and The Named
Shayk Tosun Bayrak al-Jerrahi al-Halveti

Foreword by William C. Chittick

Including Al-Ghazali's "The Noblest Aims in the Explanation of God's Fairest Names"

Fons Vitae 2000
293 pp.


A contemporary presentation of the 99 divine attributes or names of God according
to the Islamic Sufi tradition. In this volume, Tosun Bayrak explains how to use these
Names for the transformation of the soul into its original and primordial nature.

In the Islamic Sufi tradition, it is said, "Qualify yourself with the qualities of God."
Compiled from classical Arabic and Turkish texts of Al-Ghazali, Ibn Arabi, Djili, and
Abdul Qadir Jilaiu, among others, these are the divine attributes by which God manifests
Himself in the world and by which He completes the spiritual life of man.

In this volume, Tosun Bayrak, a sheikh of the Jerrahi order based in Istanbul, explains
how to use these Names for the transformation of the soul — "to see that the human
being is the microcosm of the macrocosm where God 's attributes are reflected." Sheikh
Tosun describes the barrier, "they know the Name, but not the Named ." How can one
come to love God — without  knowing Him?  The Sheikh answers that we do so
through knowing His Divine Qualities in our own selves.  'To assume the angelic
character which is innate but hidden in the human being, we have to choose from
Divine Attributes as we can, and try to live our daily lives according to them . Then,
God willing, this effort will help our imitation become real."

The Name and the Named presents these attributes which combine in various propor­tions
to create the universe we see before us, but these names are all contained in the
Name, or word Allah.  Therefore, when one repeats this Name, one participates in
stating the entire manifested creation. Also included are the 201 traditional names or
qualities of the Prophet Muhammad.

Other interpreted and com piled works by Sheikh Tosun Bayrak include The Way of The
Sufi Chivalry (Kitab al-Futtuzvah by Ibn al-Husayn al-Sulami), Inner Traditions International;
The Most Beautiful Names and Inspirations on the Path of Blame by Sheikh Badruddin of
Simawna, Threshold  Books; The Secret of Secrets: Hadrat Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani, The
Islamic Texts Society; Divine Governance of the Human Kingdom (Ai-Tadbirat al-ilahiyyah
fiislah al-mamlakat al-insaniyyah by Ibn 'Arabi) and The Shape of Light (Hayakal Al-Nur by
Suhrazvardi), both published by Fons Vitae.

WILLIAM C. CHITTICK is Professor of Comparative Studies at State University of New
York, Stony Brook.  He has published numerous books, among them, Imaginal Worlds:
Ibn al-Arabi and the Problem of Religious  Diversity, Faith and Practice of Islam: Three
Thirteenth Century Sufi Texts; The Sufi Path of Knowledge: Ibn al-'Arabi's metaphysics of
Imagination; The Sufi Path of Love: The Spiritual Teachings of Rumi; and A Shi'ite Anthology,
all published by SUNY Press.



Jeffrey Yuen - Early Chinese Medicine (Transcript) [1 Scan OCR - PDF] (Taoism)

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GB Name: Jeffrey Yuen - Taoist Qigong and Classical Chinese Medicine II
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Early Chinese Medicine - Warring States to Tang Dynasty (Transcript)
by Jeffrey Yuen

March 6-7, 2004

I. The Mythological Beginning
   A. Legendary Founders of the Culture & Its Medicine
   B. The Language

II. Philosophical & Religious Influences
   A. Early Worship
   B. The Fang Shi
   C. Emergence of Philosophical Doctrines
   D. The Three Religions

III. Medical Corpus - The Nei Jing
   A. Su Wen
   B. Ling Shu
   C. Tai Su

IV. Modalities of Healing
   A. Acupuncture & Its Early Roots
   B. Beu Cao - The Herbals
   C. Emphasis on Preventative Medicine

V. Prominent Figures & Their Contributions MsSVig

Jeffrey Yuen - The Curious Organs (Transcript) [1 Scan OCR - PDF] (Taoism)

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GB Name: Jeffrey Yuen - Taoist Qigong and Classical Chinese Medicine II
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Mage+: 4 weeks (after the GB closes)
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The Curious Organs: Energetics, Pathology & Treatment Protocols (Transcript)
by Jeffrey Yuen

June 21-22, 2003

I. Introduction: Their Basic Roles
II. The Brain & the Spine
III. The Uterus
IV. The Gallbladder
V. The Bone & Marrow
VI. The Blood Vessels
VII. Conditions of Aging: Geriatrics

There is not much material that is written within the field of Chinese Medicine that will specifically embrace of all of the Curious Organs. We do know that there are specialties that focus on one Curious Organ or another. For example, gynecology would be an arena that we can look at which will give us a lot of information about the Uterus, about the genitalia. H you are looking at External Medicine, this will be an arena of Chinese Medicine that gives us a lot of information about the context of the Brain and the spine in relationship to spinal injuries and so forth. But if you were to say does any branch of Chinese Medicine really codify the Curious Organs themselves as a continuum, there isn't really a particular school of thought that has that type of information.

Where you really have to go to get that type of information is in meditation textbooks. It is meditation textbooks that make the link between the so called Curious Organs. In particular we consider the Brain (1), the Gallbladder (2), the Uterus (3), which includes male as well as female genitalia. We consider the body's External anatomy in relationship to Blood Vessels (4), which can arguably also mean the Ancestral Vessels (4). And we consider how it moves from the Bones (5) into the Marrow (6), and in particular how this External anatomy connects directly with the Internal components of the Brain via the spine, and then also into the Uterus and the Gallbladder. MsSVig

Ibn al-Husayn al-Sulami, Toscun Bayrak al-Jerrahi - The Way of Sufi Chivalry [1 ebook - 1 PDF] (Sufism)


Paperback: 128 pages
Publisher: Inner Traditions; Original edition (April 1, 1991)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0892813172
ISBN-13: 978-0892813179

A highly respected Sufi saint and scholar of the 10th century, Ibn al-Husayn al-Sulami compiled this book as a guide to enlightened behavior for the spiritual aspirant. In its pages, he records the teachings of renowned spiritual masters (available for the first time in English translation) as well as tales and quotations from the Koran and Hadith. The teachings reveal the true meaning of compassion, love, friendship, generosity, and hospitality, as well as the right actions associated with these virtues. According to the Sufis, Futuwwah is a code of honorable behavior that follows the example of the prophets, saints, and sages. By adhering to its precepts, the student learns detachment from the ego. The Way of Sufi Chivalry addresses the reader directly, providing the aspirant of today with living guidance on the path of perfection and the way of Sufism. MsSVig

Jeffrey Yuen - Nan Jing I & II (Transcript) [2 Scan OCR - 2 PDF] (Taoism)

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GB Name: Jeffrey Yuen - Taoist Qigong and Classical Chinese Medicine II
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Nan Jing I & II (Transcript)
by Jeffrey Yuen


Volume I
The Nan Jing
Point Energetics
Meridian Energetics
Zang-Fu in the Nan Jing
Yin Yang Terminology&: Qualities

Volume II
The Five Elements According to the Nan Jing
Illnesses in the Nan Jing
Pulse Diagnosis According to the Nan Jing
Needling According to the Nan Jing MsSVig

Rasha - Oneness [1 eBook - 1 PDF] (New Age)


Rasha - Oneness


From http://www.amazon.com/Oneness-Rasha/dp/0965900312

Every now and then a book comes along that is so powerful that words cannot describe the experience people start having when they read it. These rare, life-changing books always seem to show up at the perfect moment in time, exactly when we all need it the most. Oneness is such a book--one that will change your life.

In February 1998, Rasha began a profound dialogue with the universal Presence, "Oneness"--the Divinity we all share. Word for word, she transcribed the principles for a new understanding of the mystery we call "life." These teachings empower us to take a quantum leap into our own inner depths and totally transform our lives--and our world.

Oneness gives humanity an astounding new vision of who we really are--and where we're headed. Here, we discover clues that inspire us to create the kinds of lives we long for and help us release the energies that prevent us from realizing our dreams. We learn to recognize the emotional patterns that undermine our best intensions. And we start to harmonize with the powerful energies building all around us--and with the power of Creation that s driving it.

Oneness speaks in a voice that reaches out to the heart of each of us. The words are personal--and the experience of embracing the understandings they hold is transformational. We come away from the simple act of reading feeling like we've been touched by something indescribable--and holy.

Filled with astounding metaphysical concepts and catalysts for change, Oneness takes us to the outer reaches of our own humanness and to the depths of the Divinity within. Reading it becomes a sacred, experiential journey that leaves the reader empowered with timeless tools for real transformation and a clear roadmap of the inner path to enlightenment.


Editorial Reviews

"There is a higher Source behind this wisdom and it is in every person's best interest to get to know it . . . to pick up this book and read it, word by precious word." —Ervin Laszlo, author of Science and the Akashic Field and The Chaos Point

About the Author

Author of Oneness and The Calling, Rasha awakened to her inner-calling as a messenger of Divine guidance in 1987. She has dedicated her life to addressing the profound spiritual awakening that's the hallmark of these times. Her teachings are universal and do not represent the beliefs of any religion, spiritual movement or guru. An incurable world traveler with an affinity for India and Northern New Mexico, Rasha actively continues to document the teachings of Oneness for future volumes.

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